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Did she say she love me ??

Am I dreaming ?

Why didn't she say that when we were together ?

Was I wrong this whole time ?

Did I make a mistake again ?

The headache, the headache it is starting again....

" Bec ". I croaked out her name, when everything went black, I lost control over my body. My body entered a dream like state where everything felt so surreal, it was like I was reliving my memories.

The pain...

It was so real..

Am I crying ??

I knew there was someone beside me who eased my every pain, I could feel her presence even when I was unconscious.

Is it Becky ?

" Don't please ". I squeezed her hand when I felt the presence fading away, I don't want to face everything alone. I could feel her voice reaching my ears but I couldn't understand the words.

I was betrayed...

I put all my trust...

Is that how heartbreak feels ?

" No this can't be ". I jerked up in a sitting position, I took deep breath when I felt my erratic heartbeat. My headache is still there, I should have carried my medicines.

Everything came back to me...

" Becky, are you really here ? ". I asked with a hoarse voice, my throat was dry from crying, my eyes stared at her, it was unbelievable that she stayed.

She stayed with me...

Even when all I gave her was pain..

" Are you really here, hmm ? ". I asked again when Becky just sat there in a crouched position, not saying anything to me. I carresed her cheeks, her cold skin felt so right underneath my hands.

I miss this..

I miss holding her in my hands...

" Yeah it is really me ". She mumbled and my heart picked up pace, I smiled which suddenly turned into a frown when I realised what I had done.

How can I be so foolish ?

She should have been the only choice in my life.

She is the right choice....

How could I let anyone come between us ?

I should have listened to my heart from the beginning...

My eyes filled with tears as I thought about my mistakes, as I thought the jerk I was, she doesn't deserve any of this.

I lunged forward and embraced her in my arms, her scent reached my nose and I cried again, the tears will not stop I knew that.

" I'm sorry ". I mumbled as I held her close to me, I snuggled into her neck, finally this feels like home.

I am home....

"  I am so so sorry ". The apologies were not enough I knew I had to make things right, she is still here after all of it.

She should hate me...

She should fucking hate me..

And yet she is really with me...

She is letting me hug her...

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