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I sat beside her bed and just kept looking at her vitals. The sound of the monitor signalling her heartbeat echoed in the small room.

I replayed the events of today, this was sure a hectic day for a newcomer. I was feeling a little sleepy but I knew I couldn't sleep a wink as the patient was still not out of the woods and situations like these require great attention so I just couldn't slack off.

I took out my phone and just scrolled through daily news.

Freen Sarocha was in a car accident this evening

An article about today's accident caught my eye so I decided to read it.

Freen Sarocha, 27 year old, one of Thailand's richest business woman got into a car accident this evening just after she left her office. Her condition seemed serious according to the reports her chances of survival are very bleak. Our sources got a video of the accident through a street camera and all we pray is that we hope that this woman is safe as only a miracle can save her. 

There was a video attached with the article and I was wondering whether I should watch it or not. From what I saw in the ER today, i was 100 percent sure that the accident was pretty bad but my curiosity got the best of me and I played the video. Thankfully it didn't have any volume because I didn't want to disturb this perfect silence in the room.

I saw as the car crashed into the back of the truck and as it rolled backwards with Freen inside it, the smoke which emerged from the engine. When people took her body out, I could see the blood marks on the road.

After watching this video, a question came in my mind and only one person could answer that, Freen Sarocha.

What happened with her ? What led her to drive like that ?

Not a single person in their right mind would ever try to drive like this. I'm sure she had a reason and that reason is right now very unclear to me.

I stare at her face and watched as she breathed, her chest moving with her breathing. The more I stare the more I think how beautiful she is.

I felt exhausted and I didn't think that it would 3 am in the morning. I thought about laying down on the couch that was beside her bed. Just when I laid down I felt something inside my pocket. I took it out and it was the piece of paper on which her girlfriend's number was.

I couldn't imagine the pain she feels right now and on top of it she can't even see her. I turned my body towards Freen and I don't know when but my body slowly gave into the deep slumber.

The morning light hit my face and soon I woke up. I got up from the couch and slowly walked towards the door.

I called Irin, a nurse who works with me, so that she could keep an eye on miss Sarocha while I go home and freshen up. Doctor Heng caught up to me just when I was about to go out of the hospital.

" Did you notice anything out of the place with Freen last night ? ". He enquired and I shook my head to signal. He looked at me and nodded. " Going home ? ". He asked me and I just nodded. I felt tired but I knew I had to fight it. " I was just going to freshen up and change my clothes ". After saying that I quickly called a taxi and got in.

" Becky is this the time to come home from work ? ". Richie looked worried and angry at the same time. Oh right i forgot to text him that I'm going to spend the night at the hospital. " Oh I'm sorry Richie i literally forgot to text you. I was just taking care of a patient ". I said as I dragged my body inside my house.

" Why ? What about their family ? ". Richie followed me inside. " They didn't have any ". I said with a sad expression and Richie frowned a little. " By the way did you hear about Freen Sarocha's accident? ". Richie asked me when I got into kitchen with him following.

" She was the patient ". I said and Richie's eyes went wide with shock. " Oh you were Freen. You were with the Freen Sarocha ". Richie looked like he was fangirling or something.

" So what Richie ? Why are you acting so giddy ?". I became a little annoyed with my brother maybe it was because of the tiredness.

" Becky, she is the role model of every business student. I mean that woman conquered the business world just at the age of 27 ". Richie started ranting about her achievements when I prepared my breakfast.

After a small conversation with Richie while I had my breakfast, I quickly changed my clothes and went straight to hospital.

" Miss you can't go inside ". I heard receptionist say when I was about to enter the main hall of the hospital. I thought it was Cathy again but to my surprise it was someone else.

" I just want to know about my friend that's all I need ". A woman requesting to meet Freen was talking to the reception. " What is your relation with the patient? ". I said from behind and she quickly turned towards me. " Oh I'm her best friend, i just want to know about her condition but this lady right here said I'm not allowed inside ". The lady said while pointing towards the receptionist accusingly.

" May I know your name ? ". I asked the lady about her information. " My name is Nam ". The lady said politely and I nodded. " Miss Nam we can't let you see the patient right now as you are not her legal guardian and without anyone's consent you are not allowed inside but if you are so desperate to know about your friend's condition, you can consult doctor Heng he is the surgeon who did Freen's surgery ". I explained to her and she just nodded.

" I told Freen so many times that she should register someone as her legal guardian but she didn't listen and now this. I completely understand your protocols and by the way can you call the doctor? ". She asked me and I nodded calling doctor Heng in the main hall.

Heng and Nam had a discussion about Freen's condition as I entered her room. I did her check up and saw that there was nothing to worry so I just sat on the couch again.

Doctor Heng came inside the room looking somewhat worried. " I have a bad news, it is about Freen ". Worried about the patient's condition i quickly stood up. " After further tests and scans I'm sure that her lower body is paralyzed. During the accident she struck her spinal nerve against the glass which led to the damage and right now I don't know how long she will remain in this state ". Heng sighed heavily and with one last look towards Freen he left the room.

Life is really unfair to you, I thought while staring at her motionless body. " First the coma and now paralysis ". I wondered about it but I was immediately brought out of my world when my pager beeped.

" Oh shit, another busy day ahead ". I rushed towards the ER where Dr. Heng required my help.


Short chapter i know but the next one is going to be interesting for you guys.

Until next time <3

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