Chapter Twenty-Two

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Catboy was using his powers against the fly bots so much, he's so burnt out. The fly bots were starting to really cause a havoc on him, cornering him on the deck of the flying factory. Once again, he let out his claws and starting to attack, but there was something different, the fly bots were retaliating against him and his attacks. Catboy quickly thought to electrocute them with his cat stripes by striping them all together and running electricity generated by his cat speed and touching the stripes causing electricity to course through them shocking all them and shutting them down. It was working for a little bit until he realized they weren't shutting down like they did earlier, instead they were just stunned in one stop and eventually they were back online. In shock, Catboy started to run back into the flying factory with his cat speed and went down through the elevators and in the central room. Little did he know, there were more fly bots waiting for him, except they were armed, armed with metal pipes and crowbars, similar things that were used to physically abuse Catboy when he was still working for Romeo. Immediately, flashbacks were coming back to him, flashing in his eyes when he saw those things. Catboy froze while watching the fly bots float towards him. Catboy didn't do anything except watch, he couldn't move, only watch, watching the fly bots floating towards him and they starting to beat him up. The more fly bots beat him up, the more flashbacks that were coming to him, the more flashbacks, the more he couldn't move, just watch and feel the pain. Overtime, Catboy was so badly beaten and bruised he couldn't stand up anymore, this was the most pain Catboy has ever felt from the fly bots and he could feel the bones in his body fracture and break. Eventually, Catboy was able to let out some claws, but they were broken up by the fly bots beatings and some were even stabbed into his body, causing him to bleed. Catboy started losing consciousness, he could see his vision started becoming red and all the stab wounds around him. Catboy was starting to die, the last thing he could see was a fly bot readying a metal pipe, and striking it.

Connor immediately woke up, realizing he was in bed the whole time, completely traumatized by the nightmare he went through. Catboy grunted.

"Just a nightmare..." He said to himself

Realizing that nightmare, it was similar to the experience he had last night. Except, all the pain felt real, all the movement felt real. It felt lucid.

Connor looked to see what the time was, realizing he barely slept for 3 hours. He decided to get up just to get ready for school a little earlier so he wouldn't forget. He almost forgot what it felt like to get up in the morning and get ready for school. Connor realized he hasn't eaten at all during the days of his slavery to Romeo, so he had a big breakfast. School started at 8:00 AM, it was 7:25 AM when Connor was getting ready. Connor sat on his couch waiting until he could feel his eyelids get heavy, so heavy probably because of his lack of sleep, Connor fell asleep on his couch. Time passes until Connor woke up, woke up at 7:50 AM, realizing he had to leave for school he left but wasn't in the mood to hurry up walking to school.

When he walked out the door he immediately spotted two familiar people walking in front of them. He knew who they were, Greg and Amaya. The moment of truth is here, Connor didn't want to go up to them and introduce himself to them since he thought it would be awkward and he doesn't have the energy to, so he just walked a little faster and kept his head down. The whole time Connor was thinking about his decisions and his behavior over the time he was against his friends and fighting them, and last night when Romeo said that this whole thing is far from over when Catboy declared it was over. Until he heard his name being called in front from a feminine voice.

"Connor!" Connor looked forward while Amaya and Greg were running towards him.

"Connor?" Greg said.

Once Greg and Amaya were near Connor they both gave him a hug. Connor didn't hug back, he didn't even react.

"Connor! I felt like I haven't seen you in so long!" Amaya said.

"Connor?! What's wrong?" Greg noticing Connor's face expression

"N-Nothing..." Connor replied hugging them both back.

"We have to go to school! We're come on!" Greg said.

Amaya and Greg started running towards the school while Connor just slowly walked. Amaya and Greg noticed Connor's lost courage to walk, Amaya grabbed his hand and started to run with Greg while holding Connor's hand by the wrist while asking him questions.

"So where have you been Connor?" Amaya asked.

"Nowhere." He replied.

"That's not true" Greg said.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He said.

Finally, they reached the school, and more eyes laid on Connor. He could tell people were gossiping about his return and some even gave him shocking looks. When the trio made it to their classroom their teacher looked at Connor and gave him a weird look.

"Connor! Where have you been? You never miss school." He said.

"It's complicated." Connor replied.

"Do you need to talk to someone about it? If so there's-"

"No, I don't want to talk about it." Connor said cutting his teacher off.

"Okay then. Take you seat."

As the school day continued on Connor kept receiving shocking looks and gossips. Eventually, Ivan and Newton reintroduced himself to him and also asked questions just like Amaya and Greg. When they all transformed into PJ Masks An Yu, Lilyfay and Bastet also asked questions about Catboy's disappearance.

Days have gone by ever since everyone got their memories back of Catboy. Catboy also explained what he had to do to get their memories back and everything that happened when he was all alone. The only one who didn't ask questions was PJ Robot because he was concerned of him.

When Catboy was out on missions, everything was perfectly fine at first. Catboy retained a kind and caring attitude he had before turning to Romeo, but then suddenly he started to develop a somewhat angry attitude.

Maybe this is what Romeo meant by "It's not over..."

To be Continued.

I lied, it wasn't going to be shorter than the rest, oh well. Hope you enjoyed the story. For now...

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