Chapter Six

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After what happened last night, Amaya and Greg could not get any sleep. Struggling to get out of bed they both remembered what happened last night, they both brushed their teeth, ate breakfast and packed their backpacks.

"Hey Amaya"

"Hey Greg"

"How did you sleep?"

"I didn't, I couldn't."

"Me neither."

"Do you remember the night when you lost your memory?"

"Of course I do.."

"I couldn't sleep much on that night, but this is another level."

"I can tell."

They tried to not talk much about last night's events, but that was the only topic, at least on their minds. While walking to school they caught up to Ivan.

"Hey Ivan." Greg was the first to speak to Ivan as Amaya was running behind.

"Oh, hey guys. Glad to see you after last night." Ivan also didn't get any sleep.

"You too." Amaya starting pushing Ivan's wheelchair so he didn't have to.

"Did anyone forgot about Connor? Do we all still remember him?" Ivan said.

"I still do."

"I still do too."

"What about everyone in school?"

"I don't think anything has changed."

As the three walked into the gates of their school they noticed that nothing has changed, everybody was unaware about Connor and nobody remembers him.

"Looks like nothing changed. Everybody still doesn't remember Connor." Amaya stated.

"But, what about Connor? What do you think Romeo will do to him?" Greg replied

"That shock collar, Romeo keeps hurting him with it. It can kill him." Ivan said.

"Your right, so we need to get that shock collar off of him, and maybe we can talk to him about it." Amaya thought it was just the shock collar stopping him.

"But, what about Romeo? And, that memory ray?" Greg said.

"We'll worry about that later. PJ Masks Power Heroes we're on our way!" Amaya put her fist in.

"Into the night to save Catboy." Ivan and Greg join in.

In the meantime, with Catboy and Romeo.

After being tortured and ordered around by Romeo abusing his powers for Romeo's sake. Catboy became so deranged and mental he became used to being shocked by the collar, but couldn't get used to the volts and pain. Sometimes Romeo shocks him for fun, other time is when he makes the tiniest mistake, and when he does something Romeo does not approve of. All Catboy can think of is to make Romeo proud, so much so he can barely remember the feeling of being happy.

Romeo was just about to break the news to Robot about him being replaced by Catboy. However, Romeo thinks he can treat Catboy worse then Robot because he isn't used to Romeo's orders, Romeo's demands, and taking care of his things.

"Hey Robot, I need to tell you something." Romeo lead Robot to a private room.

"What is it Master?"

"Oh um, you know. I don't think I have a use for you anymore? Who knows? I might not need you ever again since I have kitty cat." Romeo broke to Robot.

"Whaaaaaat! Master? You do not mean that do you?" Robot said.

"Sorry Robot, but of course I do. Don't worry I will still let you work here in the flying factory. But your not tagging along with me anymore. Kitty cat here is just, lets just say, a lot more useful then you when it comes to speed." Romeo left Robot there in shock and walked away with its metal head down.

Romeo was envisioning Catboy as a, infinite power supply and is very durable. He cannot be shut down by water and he's smarter then him. Romeo very proud of his decision, replacing Robot with Catboy.

"Hey Catboy! Remember Night Panther? Well he and Dark Owl were quite good villains to be by my side." Romeo told Catboy and got the respond he didn't expect.

"No, master. I don't, I was under that opposite ray so I don't remember." Said Catboy.

"Whatever. Anyway, I told both of them to steal the world famous Delta Diamond from the museum. But my plan was foiled by lizard legs and he turned me into a goody goody. And I never got my Delta Diamond. So, do you know what your next task is." Romeo exclaimed.

Catboy's eyes widened. This was the first time he was told to steal something, let alone stealing anything at all.

"Master..... I understand what you want me to do."

Meanwhile with the PJ Masks.

As soon as all the members made it, immediately, PJ Robot starts freaking out because he detecting Catboy heading his way to the museum.

"That's Catboy. He's heading for the museum." Ice Cub said.

He was talking to Romeo through his communicator. At first, Gekko and Owlette didn't know how and who he was talking to, because usually he is talks to them through his communicator and whoever is on the other end had to have a communicator and connected it with Catboy's.

It was obvious that it was Romeo, especially since he was saying "Master " to the person on the other side.

"We have to go after him! We need a bunch of people to come, especially for that shock collar." Owlette said.

It was Gekko, Newton, and An Yu who volunteer to go after Catboy. They all run down the slide.

"Power Heroes shout horray! Owlette, Gekko, Newton, and An Yu go save the day!" The rest said.

Owlette and An Yu enter the Owl Glider. Gekko and Newton enter the Gekko Mobile. As they head to the museum while falling, Catboy spots them in the distance and prepares himself.

"Come at me and give it your best."

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