Chapter Fifteen

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As Owlette closed her eyes in so that she wouldn't see Catboy hurt her, he never did. Owlette opened her eyes slowly to find that Catboy's claws were beside her head. Owlette was stunned to see that Catboy almost killed her.

Catboy could tolerate Romeo's abuse, but he couldn't tolerate losing one of his friends, especially when he's the reason for it, especially Owlette.

Owlette looked into his eyes.

"C-C-Catboy... You.. didn't hurt me..?"

Catboy could only stutter.


Gekko was in shock and in relief, he knew Catboy would never hurt his friends, but he also knew Catboy was still under Romeo's control. Gekko had to get to Catboy.

"Super Gekko Muscles!"

Gekko shoved the fly bots that were holding him off and threw them at Romeo. Gekko ran as fast as he can with his shields out and shoved Catboy off of Owlette.

"Are you okay Owlette?"

Owlette took some time to respond and get herself back together.


Romeo was furious after seeing Catboy refuse to kill Owlette.

"Of course you wouldn't do it! Especially to her! You don't have the guts to kill her don't you!" Romeo yelled.

Romeo was about to take matters into his own hands, but he decided to give Catboy one last chance since he usually never fails to disappoint him.

"We must leave! Now! Owlette?"

Owlette was staring at Catboy, who was on the ground.

"Huh?! Oh.... Right.. Lets go!"

Owlette, Gekko and PJ Robot ran to the deck, unknown to them, Catboy was following them behind. When they made it to the deck where the Owl Glider was sitting, they turned back and noticed Catboy behind them.

"Catboy.... You're still in there, aren't you.."

Catboy stayed silence and just stared at them.

"You wouldn't really hurt me... will you?"

Catboy spoke "You don't understand what Romeo could do to me."

"You don't want Romeo to wipe our memories about you. Isn't that right?" Gekko tried to comfort Catboy by understanding him.

Catboy didn't want to admit that he's right, so he stayed silent.

Just then a swarm of fly bots emerged right behind them and flew after everyone but Catboy. Owlette, Gekko and PJ Robot got into the Owl Glider and flew away. Catboy acted quickly and jumped on the Owl Glider undetected.

The fly bots starting firing at the Owl Glider and Owlette and dodging all the beams. Catboy was holding on the back of the Owl Glider with his claws clinging onto the tip and slowly made his way to the cockpit.

"What should we do?"

"We need to get back to Power Q!" PJ Robot beeped.

"But, what about Catboy?" Owlette replied.

Just then they heard Catboy's claw scratching and Owlette let Gekko go check what it was.

"Who's there?! Super lizard grip!"

Gekko started crawling around the Owl Glider to find out where the scratch marks could have come from and stumbled upon the back of the Owl Glider only to find scratch marks.

"Owlette! There are scratch marks on the back! Maybe Catboy is somewhere here!" Gekko shouted through his communicator.

"Then we can't go to Power Q yet. Get back in here."

Gekko crawled back to his seat in the Owl Glider. Owlette decided to fly down to land on a building. Suddenly, Catboy crawled onto the windshield and his claws were the ones to give him away.

"Catboy! He's on the windshield! Owlette we need to land!" Gekko said.

"On it!" Owlette lands on a nearby building in the city.

As soon as they've landed, Owlette and Gekko started looking for Catboy while PJ Robot worked on fixing the scratch marks left by Catboy. Catboy decided to immediately take off and run. He wanted to remain undetected so he can avoid questions from Owlette or Gekko. But, he didn't make it far when he was spotted by Owlette and her owl eyes. Owlette and Gekko started chasing him through the city. Catboy couldn't use his speed nor run fast because of his injuries from Romeo and his fly bots, therefore it didn't take long for Owlette and Gekko to catch up to him.

Gekko immediately held him with his strength so they can interrogate him. Catboy starting grunting and decided to scratch Gekko's face with his claws.

"Arrgghhhh!! My face!" Gekko cried.

Owlette couldn't believe what she saw. Catboy wouldn't hurt her, but will hurt Gekko. Perhaps it was different because Catboy was told to kill her, and he scratched Gekko's face because he was holding him down. Owlette took off flying at Catboy and used owl wing wind on him.

Catboy was blown into the air and fell in pain. Owlette flew over to him, Catboy couldn't get up.

"Catboy... Please come back to us."

Catboy decided to talk for once.

"I-I.... I can't."

"Catboy, don't let him control you, take over your life."

"I don't have a choice, he's threatening to ruin my life forever."

"You... You should've told us."

"I can't Romeo is always under control of me, especially when I was wearing that shock collar." Catboy reached his hand out while on the ground.

"I know what he'll do to me, to us, everybody." Owlette held his hand.

"You'll come back to us. Right? You always do."

"Until now...."

"That's up to you. Not Romeo."

There was a moment of silence before Catboy decided.

"Okay... I'll come back." Owlette embraced Catboy with a hug.

Secretly, Romeo was watching, he only stayed silent just to see if Catboy was loyal or not. When he heard that he will come back he was infuriated with anger and rage.

"Fly bots!! Prepare the memory ray!! It's time to show what happens when you betray me!"

Romeo's fly bots were getting the memory ray ready, as usual Romeo was demanding they hurry up, but this time he was more angrier than ever. The moment the memory ray was ready Romeo did not hesitate a second.

"Have fun kitty cat! You're friends will never be your friends ever again!!" Romeo slammed the button to fire at Owlette and Gekko.

As Catboy and Owlette were embracing each other, Catboy noticed a ray fired down at Owlette and Gekko. Immediately Gekko fell to the ground and Owlette wasn't responding. Catboy knew what just happened and while in pain, immediately got up. Owlette and Gekko were unconcious.

Catboy dropped to his knees and kept shaking both Owlette and Gekko, begging for them to wake up.

"Gekko! Gekko! Gekko wake up!" Catboy was shaking Gekko.

"Owlette! Owlette! Owlette!! Please!"

He knew the rest of the PJ Masks were next, he didn't even know if he can call himself one anymore, let alone a hero.

"What kind of a hero am I...."

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