Chapter Twelve

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Catboy was carried to the Gekko Mobile by Gekko and Ice cub, completely unconscious and blood staining both Gekko and Ice cub's costumes. Gekko and Ice cub look at Catboy in shock from the abuse he's been taking.

"Look at that shock collar..."

"And, those bruises.."

"How could he put up with this... All from Romeo?"

"We need to get back to Power Q and get that collar off of him. C'mon Ice cub!"

Gekko and Ice cub run to the Gekko Mobile and toss Catboy in the empty seat and go back to Power Q.

In the flying factory.

Romeo was doing his own taking-over-the-world planning and was completely oblivious to the fact that Catboy has collapsed from his torture and was taken to their HQ.

"Robot!!" Romeo shouted.

"Yes, master..?"

"Bring me a frozen smoothie"


Robot left to please Romeo, Romeo was waiting impatiently, Catboy would've delivered it so much more faster than Robot would. The thought of Catboy clicked into his mind and he decided to check up on him, only to find him gone and nowhere to be seen.

"What?! Catboy! Catboy! Where are you!" Romeo yelled through his communicator trying to get Catboy's attention. Romeo grunted, the first thing he assumed was Catboy was slacking off and being lazy.

"I hate you!" Romeo threw his communicator.

Romeo needed to find out where he was, and fast before the PJ Masks did.

With the PJ Masks.

Gekko and Ice cub made it to Power Q with the still unconscious Catboy, slowly carrying him out of the Gekko Mobile.

"Careful, we don't want him to wake up."

"Should I pull it out here?"

"Do it with everybody here. So, that if he wakes up everybody can hold him down."


Both Gekko and Ice cub made it down to the central room, the first person to lay eyes on Catboy was PJ Robot, who was oblivious to know that he was a target from Catboy. PJ Robot was just as shocked as Gekko and Ice cub was. PJ Robot called everyone to the central room to make sure Catboy won't go anywhere if he wakes up.

"Hopefully we're out of Romeo's signal to shock Catboy, I don't think he can take more like this."

"I'll start pulling, can you help hold him down."

"Of course."

Gekko started pulling on the shock collar around Catboy's neck, and Ice cub held him down. Just then, the rest came in, they were all in shock from seeing Catboy with bruises and dried blood all over him.

"Fluttering feathers!"

"Oh my gosh!.."

"Growling pyramids.. Cats should not have to go through this abuse.."

"Is he alive?"

While everybody is still in shock, Gekko continues to grasp as hard as he can on the shock collar and pull harder and harder, he didn't make much progress as of Ice cub, he was still holding Catboy down until Gekko pulled the collar off.

As Gekko was pulling, PJ Robot noticed Romeo's flying factory and quickly noted everyone and alerted Gekko to hurry up.

"We need more people holding him down!" Gekko said while grunting and pulling.

Newton volunteered to help hold Catboy down with Ice cub, Romeo was trying to get in range to shock Catboy with the shock collar but he was still to far.

Finally Gekko pulled off the shock collar, thinking that would free him from Romeo.

"I did it! it's off!"


"Now, Catboy can come back to us again right?"


"What is it Owlette?"

"I... I don't.. Nevermind..."

Owlette didn't think Catboy would be free because the first time he attack her and Gekko was when he didn't have the shock collar on, she knew something had to be wrong.

"Remember when Catboy first turned on us? He wasn't wearing that collar before. Are you sure this would free him?"

"It has too right? Romeo's been using it for him to do all of his biddings."

Romeo still didn't know the shock collar was off him until he realized he couldn't shock him anymore using his remote controller.

"Something's wrong?! This isn't working anymore, what did those PJ pests do?!" Romeo slammed the table in front of him in anger. But Romeo knew Catboy didn't need a shock collar for him to do his bidding, he just hoped the PJ Masks still didn't know that Catboy was working for him not because of the shock collar.

Catboy slowly started waking up, and he shot his eyes open. Catboy kicked himself up, he was so used to having the shock collar on, it felt weird to have it finally off. Everyone was so happy they thought Catboy was free, but he remembered his tasks, kidnap PJ Robot. Catboy knew something the rest didn't, so he knew that just because the collar was off, he still wasn't free from Romeo.

Catboy quickly ran towards PJ Robot, grabbed him and shoved him under his right arm, and selected the Cat Car on the screen, he ran down the slide, landed in the Cat Car, and drove off with PJ Robot.

Catboy still had contact with Romeo. The PJ Masks were in a weather of anger and confusion, they all thought Catboy was free, but apparently he wasn't being held captive by the shock collar, but indeed something else.

Catboy's BetrayalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora