Chapter Seventeen

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PJ Robot was tending to Gekko's claw mark on his face in Power Q, while everybody else called it a night.

"Gee, people are gonna ask questions about my scar. What am I suppose to tell them? I can't say that fly bots caused it." Gekko said.

"How about saying that a cat mauled you in the face, because you got to close to it?" PJ Robot said. He didn't want Gekko to find out it was true.

"Sure, I guess. I'm sure a cat wouldn't actually maul me in the face." Greg let out a slight chuckle. PJ Robot sighed.

"It's okay PJ Robot. Don't worry about me. I'm sure everything will be okay."

Gekko went off to call it a night.

PJ Robot had to think of what he was going to do with Catboy, he couldn't just let him cease to exist. Romeo hopefully doesn't know that PJ Robot still remembers Catboy.

The Next Day.

Greg and Amaya both woke up from a full night sleep for the first time in days, yet they don't know remember why they couldn't sleep during the past few days. Moments later Amaya met Greg in front of his house.

"Hey Greg, how's your face?"

"It's getting better, still stings a little bit."

"I can't believe fly bots did this to you."

"Yeah, PJ Robot said that I should just pretend a cat mauled me in the face yesterday afternoon, because I got a little too close to it?"

"That sounds pretty believable."

Just then Amaya and Greg laid eyes on the blue house right on the very left on their neighborhood. They stared at it for a while and there was silence, until Amaya broke the silence.

"Greg, I wonder who lives in there. I don't think we've ever seen or met anyone who lives in there."

"Yeah, maybe the person in there is nice."

Unknown to them, Connor was listening in to them through his window, although he never peeked his head through his window to see them, all he needed was to hear them.

Connor started to cry, knowing that Romeo's memory ray is no joke, his friends are now just a dime a dozen to all of his classmates or potentially everybody who's ever known him.

He decided to skip school that day, not that it would matter. He had to think of anybody else who might just remember him. The only ones he can think of is alley cat, and cat stripe king, since their both animals and maybe Romeo's ray never affected them.

 When it turned night, Connor was waiting for Amaya and Greg to transform, when as he saw the red and green lights flash out of their windows he waited for a while just incase if they were investigating. He soon transformed into Catboy in his bedroom and contacted PJ Robot through his communicator.

"PJ Robot, can you hear me?" It took a while for PJ Robot to respond.

"Catboy? Catboy? Are you there?"

"PJ Robot? I'm here. How's the team?"

"Basically the same, except without you." Catboy sighed.

"Well, that's good to hear, I guess. PJ Robot, I need you to do me a favor, can you find me where alley cat is?"

"Of course." PJ Robot scanned the city for alley cat but he couldn't find her anywhere.

"I'm sorry Catboy, but I can find her anywhere."

Catboy let out a sigh. "Where could she be?"

PJ Robot kept searching until he found alley cat in the park.

"Catboy! She's in the park."

"I'm on my way. Also, PJ Robot, make sure nobody finds out about our conversation."

"Don't worry, I won't."

Catboy quickly but quietly sped across the city so he won't attract attention from the PJ Masks, he chose to stay under the radar so they wouldn't accidently mistake Catboy for something that isn't a hero.

As Catboy makes it to the park, he spots alley cat sleeping on a nearby tree. Catboy runs over to the tree and slowly crawls up to alley cat and tried to touch her but his hand went through it, it was a hologram, just the time Romeo kidnapped owly and used a hologram to take her place. Immediately Catboy contacted PJ Robot.

"PJ Robot! It was a hologram! This isn't alley cat."

"Hologram? Then it has to be Romeo. Check on the flying factory."

"And how am I suppose to get there? Cats don't fly."

"Get Romeo to suck you up in his sucky-sucker. Act as bait."

"But that's not going to work, he's not going to suck me up." Then an idea clicked in Catboy's head. "I think I know what to do." Leaving a very concerned PJ Robot.

Catboy stood in between two large light poles aiming at the flying factory and super cat striped both of them with his hands like standing in a slingshot, then he moved back as far as he could then jumped and let go of his stripes immediately after, firing Catboy in the air in the direction of Romeo's flying factory.

"By my cats whiskers! Maybe cats do fly!" As Catboy was shooting through the air, PJ Robot was watching the whole thing, and flipped out when he saw Catboy fire himself in the air.

"Catboy! What are you doing!"

"I'm getting to the flying factory! There's only one way or another! I'm getting the job done!" PJ Robot closed his eyes.

As soon as the flying factory was in reach of Catboy's cat stripe he immediately launched himself with a stripe in range and was just barely able to cling himself on with his claws and slowly made it to the deck of the flying factory.

Finally, when Catboy made it to the deck he said to himself.

"Don't worry alley cat, I'm coming."

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