Chapter Seven

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Catboy made a run for it to the museum and tried to get in from the front entrance but they were locked, then Catboy tried to get in from the roof entrance but didn't make it in time and was stopped by a gush of Owlette's owl wing wind and blew him forward.

"Gyahh! Bird brain!"

Romeo was secretly watching him incase if he was to sneak off somewhere else. And, his remote had signal to nearly everywhere of the city, including their old HQ.

"Catboy! Get that Delta Diamond, even if it's the last thing you do!"

"Yes, master."

Catboy launched stripes at Owlette in the air to try tying her up, she kept dodging his stripes until he decided to use them to draw her attention. Catboy launched stripes again and as soon as she was distracted he super cat sped to another position and tied her up with cat stripes.

Catboy felt a lot of guilt when he tied Owlette up with stripes, he has never stripes a close friend like her before.

"Catboy! Stop feeling bad for her! You're not a goody two-shoe anymore!"

"But, master-"

Catboy was immediately electrocuting causing him to fall on the floor, Romeo has just proved to him that he didn't want him to care so much and to not hesitate to make the first move when dealing with a PJ Pest.

"*gasp* Owlette!" An Yu noticed.

An Yu flew over to Owlette on her staff and quickly untied her from Catboy's stripes and helped her up. An Yu decided to go after Catboy.

Catboy saw that An Yu was heading towards him. He knew he wouldn't be able to take her down, but all he needs to do is distract her with a distraction.

"Stop right there Catboy!"

"I surrender!"

Romeo was just about to shock Catboy when he heard that. Then suddenly, two stripes came out of both of his hands and launched them towards, An Yu. An Yu dodged them all taking her eyes off of Catboy for a few seconds, within those few seconds, Catboy sped off leaving An Yu confused. Romeo was relieved Catboy did not give up so easily.

Catboy ran to the top of the museum and entered through the glass hatch. he used cat ears to make sure nobody else was in here. After the coast was clear, he immediately started looking for the Delta Diamond and moving around as quiet as he can.

It took a minute for the PJ Masks to realize where Catboy could have went. Just then, everybody quickly got to the museum. They had to find the Delta Diamond before Catboy did.

The sound of the PJ Masks coming him through the glass hatch on the roof picked up on Catboy's cat ears.

"Dammit." Catboy said to himself.

He was really hoping to buy more time in the hopes of finding that Diamond. Romeo did not leave him any clues on where it was, nor did he let him know what it looked like. No clues, just the name. Boy, he sure wish he could have his own version of owl eyes or what he likes to call it "cat eyes" from that time when he got Owlette's powers from that power copier Romeo made. He needs to be as quiet as possible, he wouldn't know if Gekko is in camouflage right behind him or if Owlette can see him with her owl eyes.

He tried to call out to Romeo through his communicator but he wasn't responding, he kept trying but there was no response. Catboy was all on his own now against his "friends".

Owlette was using her owl eyes looking for the Delta Diamond and for Catboy. Newton and An Yu were both speeding around looking for both Catboy and the Delta Diamond, Gekko was mainly looking for Catboy with his camoflage. They had better chances looking for the Delta Diamond instead of Catboy.

Just then, Owlette spots the Delta Diamond.

"Everyone! It's over here! Follow me!"

The PJ Masks were guarding the Delta Diamond and looking around to see if Catboy was there.

Catboy was really glad that he was left alone by Romeo, if he was still there Romeo would have for sure shocked Catboy and give away his location if he found out that the PJ Masks found the Delta Diamond first. Catboy had to get past them all.

He decided to deal with the most vulnerable one first, the one that is the farthest away from the rest. Which is Newton. Newton was flying around different sections of the museum trying to find Catboy. Catboy slowly creeped behind Newton and as soon as he was he was behind him, He took him down and put his hand on his mouth so he wouldn't yell for help. Catboy tied Newton and blindfolded him with his stripes. So much so Newton was unconscious, Catboy hid Newton behind the displays behind the museum.

Now he was going to go after the next most vulnerable one. Gekko. But, there was one small problem, Gekko was in camoflage, therefore Catboy has to use his cat ears to hear Gekko's footsteps and grip. Catboy followed the sound closer and closer until Gekko noticed him first. Gekko deactivated his camoflage, but Catboy was the first one to react and cat sped towards him tying him with cat stripes but Gekko broke out of them with his stripes.

"Not so fast Catboy!"

"Sorry, but all I am is fast."

Catboy sped behind him and blindfolded him with his stripes. Kicked Gekko's leg down causing him to fall to the ground. Catboy cat striped Gekko's mouth so he couldn't breath, Gekko tried to break out of the stripes but he was starting to black out eventually, succumbing to the unconsciousness.

Now it was just Owlette and An Yu, who were both guarding the Delta Diamond. Catboy couldn't take them both on, but he could try to separate them which will be difficult since both of them fight like sisters. 

Something is making him hesitate to get them, especially Owlette, considering she was the one who cared for him the most when he first became Romeo's servant.

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