Chapter Nineteen

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The PJ Masks knew about Catboy's existence. When Catboy looked, it wasn't one vehicle, it was two. The Owl Glider and the Gekko Mobile. The Owl Glider had Owlette and An Yu, while the Gekko Mobile had Gekko and Ice Cub. Catboy was too busy to pay attention to detail while dealing with Romeo, especially with alley cat in his hands.

Romeo noticed the PJ Masks coming too. And started to try even harder to reach for alley cat. Catboy could tell he just wanted to get a hold of alley cat and flee as quick as he can. Catboy was also eager to leave as fast as he could, but he couldn't shake Romeo and Robot off. He was still a little injured from his bruises so his super cat speed is not as super or fast as it used to be at the moment.

As the Owl Glider glided above them and the Gekko Mobile landing right in front of him. Catboy was sandwiched in between Romeo and Robot and the Gekko Mobile.

"Super Cat Jump!"

Catboy's instinct was to immediately jump over the Gekko Mobile, but he wasn't aware it could reveal his powers. But, it was already too late.

"Gekko, did you just see that?" Ice Cub pointed out.

"He has powers too... Owlette! Did you see that?" Gekko said through his communicator.

"I did, he just jumped over your Gekko Mobile. How did he do that?" Owlette replied.

Catboy just realized what he just did. Soon after, Gekko used the water cannon to push Robot back to malfunction and fell on Romeo.

"Arggghhh! Get off me you bucket of bolts!" Romeo grunted.

Both The Owl Glider and the Gekko Mobile started chasing Catboy. By then Catboy has reached the park, the perfect place to release alley cat so he could handle the PJ Masks himself. Now, Catboy was all on his own, yet again. Catboy was really started to get used to being completely alone now ever since he was freed from Romeo's control. So much so he wasn't sure if we was comfortable in being in the PJ Masks again, if that were to ever happen again.

Owlette used the Owl Glider's feathers to try and barricade him in but Catboy used his super cat jump over the feathers and tried to force himself to use his cat speed. Catboy desperately tried to get out of their sight.

Eventually, Catboy gave up. Catboy ran to a nearby tree and leaned on it, giving time for the PJ Masks to get out of their vehicles and question Catboy. Gekko was the first one to talk.

"Umm.. Hello?" Catboy shot a glare at him.

"You okay? You were getting chased by Romeo." Ice Cub said.

"Yeah.. Yeah I know." Catboy replied with awkwardness and a depressed tone.

"Who are you?" Gekko asked.

As soon as Catboy heard those words he immediately started getting nervous, does he say his name or remain anonymous? Just then Owlette landed her Owl Glider and both her and An Yu got out.

"N-Nobody.." Catboy said. He was technically right.

"You're not a nobody.. just talk to us." Owlette said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Immediately Catboy took her hand off and started to speed walk away from the four.

"I'm nobody, you wouldn't understand. I'm just some pathetic dumb imbecile who makes bad decision that puts everybody I know in danger. And they wouldn't even realize it because they don't remember." Catboy fired.

"But, you look just like one of us.." Ice Cub replied.

"Indeed, you look like you would own some of the stuff we have." An Yu said.

Immediately Catboy knew what she was talking about.

"Listen. I'm no one important. You didn't see anything whatsoever." Catboy started to walk away a little faster. But The PJ Masks kept following him.

"Your costume looks just like ours.. Are you.. okay?" Owlette said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Catboy knew he wasn't. "No." Whispered Catboy to himself. Little did he know, Owlette heard him say no and knew something wasn't right, since he was the closest to him.

Gekko was trying to get ready to hold him down with super Gekko grip while trying not to make it look obvious.

"You have powers just like us?" Gekko asked. Catboy didn't have an excuse for that.

"They're not powers.. They're... Just leave me alone. I don't want you following me. I don't know what you're trying to do but it's not working." Catboy thought to himself as broken beyond repair.

Gekko noticed how quickly he changed the subject, he suspected something was awfully off about him.

"Will we see you again?" An Yu asked.

Catboy turned around. "Hopefully not...." Catboy replied.

"Just stop following me." Catboy slowly backed up and started running.

"Hey! Stop him!" Ice Cub said.

The PJ Masks started to chase Catboy and he tried to use super Cat speed but he was too injured, therefore letting the four catch up to him. When they caught up to him he immediately forced himself to use his speed.

"Super Cat Speed!" He said openly and sped off.

The rest just stood there in shock.

"So he does have powers." Gekko said.

"Did you hear what he said? "Super Cat Speed"?" Owlette said.

They all decided it was better to deal with Catboy another time as it was getting late.

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