Chapter Sixteen

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Catboy slowly walked away before Owlette and Gekko woke up. It was hard, because of his bruises and broken bones. He was still coughing out blood.

Romeo watched as Catboy walked away from his former friends, evilly smirking knowing that he has faced the consequences when he turns his back on Romeo. But, there was one slight problem, Romeo kept thinking to himself one question, who will be his sidekick now? The idea with PJ Robot never worked out. The only think he could think of was getting Robot back, but with a peace offering.

Romeo had to find Robot, he didn't know if he was still in the flying factory, but he first needed to find out what kind of a peace offering to give him. Romeo started to think, then it struck him. Robot always wanted a pet, when he tried to keep Catboy as a cat forever, or when he stole the bird and lizard from the PJ's.

Romeo looked everywhere around the flying factory where Robot could possibly be, until he checked the security cameras and found Robot in a storage rooms at the back of the flying factory. Romeo decided to pay Robot a visit before getting the pet to see if he can skip the process considering he has always been loyal to him.

As Romeo made it to Robot. Robot had his back turned the whole time.

"Robot!" Robot turned around, he didn't know if he should call Romeo master or not.

"I need your help again! Catboy is gone, he won't come back ever again."


"Robot! I erased those PJ pests memories of kitty cat! Now, I need your again."

"What will I get in return?"

"What do you mean what will you get in return?!"

"What will I get if I start helping you again."

"You're suppose to be my sidekick all the time!"

"Just this once, and I will help you again."

"Fine!" Romeo was glad to have a backup plan.

Romeo sent his fly bots to go find an animal for Robot in the city. He wasn't worried about the PJ Masks to stop him because they are all knocked out unconscious from the memory ray and should be out for at least half an hour. The only "PJ" that is out is Catboy, former kitty cat belonging to Romeo.

"Catboy shouldn't be a problem." Romeo assumed.

With The PJ Masks.

Catboy could barely walk without sending shivers of pain down his body and collapsed about three times while walking away.

PJ Robot was just about done fixing the scratch marks and decided to look around for the PJ Masks.




PJ Robot soon found Gekko knocked out and immediately found three huge claw marks all across his right side of his face. PJ Robot shook Gekko to wake up but he wouldn't. Shortly after he found Owlette a few feet away, also unconscious. PJ Robot noticed she was stained in a little bit of blood, and it didn't look like it was hers, he carried Owlette and placed her next to Gekko.

He noticed a blood trail leading from where Owlette was and followed it until he stumbled across on Catboy who was slowly walking away in pain.

"Catboy!" Catboy turned around.

"PJ Robot!"

PJ Robot gave Catboy a hug, but Catboy grunted in pain.

"Arggh, not so hard PJ Robot."

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