Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm in. PJ Robot, tell me where alley cat is." Catboy said.

Catboy made his way down the elevator to the central room. He was starting to get sick of always getting in the flying factory because of Romeo constantly causing trouble, especially to him.

"She's in the central room." PJ Robot replied.

"Perfect, exactly where I'm headed to."

"Be careful for the fly bots-" PJ Robot was cut off.

"Hey, PJ Robot! Who are you talking to?" Newton walks in on PJ Robot.

"Uhhh... Myself.." PJ Robot gave him a smile.

"Are you sure.. You sounded like you were talking to someone..." PJ Robot was worried. Newton got concerned.

"Nobody. I-I-It was myself.... There's nothing you need to worry." PJ Robot pushed Newton away with a smile on his face.

"Ummm.. Okay.." PJ Robot pushed Newton away.

Catboy was worried someone caught PJ Robot talking to him. Moments later PJ Robot came back.


"Oh thank god, PJ Robot."

"Newton almost caught me talking to you."

"Don't let that ever happen again. It's too early."

"I know. I know.." PJ Robot shamed himself. He's the only one standing in between Catboy's existence to the PJ Masks.

 As Catboy made it to the central room he immediately hid from the fly bots working around him.

"Cat ears..." It took a little while until Catboy could hear alley cat's meows.

"Alley cat.. Where could you be..?" Catboy kept following the meows of alley cat until he was at the cockpit. Catboy opened the doors to see Robot holding alley cat in his metal hands.

"Let her go!" Catboy demanded.

"Never! She is mine now!" Robot retaliated.

"Arghhh!" Catboy charged at Robot, and Robot tried to grab him with his arms.

Catboy jumped over Robot causing him to fall over when he tried to grab him. Robot held alley cat tight. Catboy was a starting to get angry and charged at Robot. Suddenly, Catboy was hit by a ray coming from a fly bot. Romeo has entered the cockpit.

"Well well well. Look who's here. Kitty cat, former servant of the future ruler of the world." Romeo said.

"Be quiet! I'm here for alley cat! Let her go!"

"No way! I promised Robot a pet after you left so he would work for me again. And, now that he's got on, she isn't going anywhere."

"I don't care!"

"Then come get here." Romeo smirked as fly bots surrounded Catboy.

Catboy fired stripes tangling each fly bots together with cat stripes and rubbed his hands and fast as he can to create electricity and touched his cat stripes. Catboy's cat stripes conducted the electricity and shocked all the fly bots that were tangled in cat stripes.

Romeo and Robot were both distracted by Catboy's stunt on the fly bots, enough for alley cat to squeeze between Robot's fingers and palms, running towards Catboy.

"Noooooo! Come back!!" Robot chased after alley cat.

"C'mon alley cat! We're leaving!" Catboy picked up alley cat and ran out towards the central room.

"We're jumping down the sucky-sucker!"

Romeo's sucky-sucker was sucking up everything it seemed useful to the flying factory. Catboy tuned the sucker-sucker to reverse, Romeo and Robot was still chasing Catboy and alley cat. As soon as Catboy jumped down the sucky-sucker he prepared for a rough landing and made sure to break the fall for alley cat with his body, he's already suffered more pain he could bare a little bit more.

 PJ Robot saw what Catboy was about to do.

"Catboy. What are you doing! You could break your spine!"

"Cats always land on their feet. It's fine."

Luckily Catboy and alley cat both landed in the old PJ Masks HQ moat.

"Ughh Cats hate water." Both Catboy and alley cat were soaked.

Catboy and alley cat swam out of the moat and drying up. Catboy urged to tell alley cat the news about him and his friends, but decided not too as she just came back from Romeo. Before leaving Catboy gave one last glance to the old HQ. Catboy really wanted to see his friends again, but he had to make sure Romeo wouldn't be a problem again.

As Catboy walked with alley cat, Romeo and Robot appeared in Romeo's lab.

"You better hand the cat over Catboy!"

"Never! You're not my master anymore!"

"Then we're doing this the hard way! Robot! Get them!"

"Yes, master!" Robot lunges at them.

As Catboy fends off Romeo and Robot from alley cat, PJ Robot was making sure this wouldn't broadcast to the PJ Masks, hence why he stopped talking to Catboy.

The PJ Masks were getting concerned on why there wasn't any nighttime activity, until they did a scan throughout the entire city. Then, they found out Romeo was out tonight and he was fighting with Catboy, the PJ Masks had no idea who he is yet.

"Romeo's out!"

"Who is he fighting?"

"Looks like some kid in a cat costume, carrying a cat."

"That cat costume looks awfully similar to my lizard costume, and Owlette's owl costume."

PJ Robot couldn't do anything anymore. The secret was out. Catboy's existence was now broadcasted to the PJ Masks, yet they wouldn't remember the truth.

"Shouldn't we help him? It's Romeo! For crying out loud."

Newton was concerned to think if that was the person PJ Robot was talking too. Newton shook his head, it couldn't have been. Nobody knew him and it wouldn't make sense for PJ Robot to know who he is either.

As Catboy was defending alley cat from Robot's robotic arms and Romeo's fly bots. He noticed something. Something that appears to be a vehicle gliding from the sky. Catboy panicked as he immediately knew what that means. The PJ Masks were onto him.

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