Chapter Fourteen

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After finding out why Catboy has turned against them, both Owlette and Gekko are clueless on what do to. At first they wanted to let the others know through their communicators, but they stopped themselves because they knew Romeo could hear them. They didn't need to tell their friends, they needed a plan, to free Catboy once and for all.

"What did Romeo use to forget everyone else's memories about Catboy in school?"

"I don't know, I think we should rescue PJ Robot first before he joins Catboy."


Owlette flew to Romeo to distract him while Gekko goes in camouflage to break PJ Robot out.

"Oh, Romeo! Bet you can't catch me!"

"What!? Catboy! Get her."

"Yes, master."

Owlette smirked, she decided to fly around Romeo with Catboy chasing her for him to crash into Romeo, but it didn't go to plan due to Catboy's injuries causing his super cat speed to not be so super and he collapsed. Romeo ran over to the collapsed Catboy and kicked him to wake up but he wasn't responding. Catboy collapsed again from his injuries but this time, he was still conscious and started regurgitating blood from his mouth. The sight of Catboy coughing blood out horrified Owlette, it almost made her want to go up to Catboy and comfort him, but she knew she was on a mission.

Gekko ran everywhere around flying factory to try and find PJ Robot and get him out, but it didn't take long to find him when he's playing a harmonica through his screen. Gekko came across a big vault door and banged on it.

"PJ Robot! Is that you?"

PJ Robot stopped playing the harmonica and slowly walked up towards the door that is blocking him in.

"Gekko! Gekko! Is that you?!" PJ Robot beeped.

"Yes! It's me! I'll let you out."

Gekko looked around to find anything that could free PJ Robot, he came across a screen that looked like a lock with a hand print on it, Gekko put his hand on it, and it locked him out. Gekko instead decided to punch the screen with his super Gekko muscles and it opened the vault door.

PJ Robot was free and ran over to give Gekko and big hug. Now, all he has to do, is stop Catboy. Gekko and PJ Robot ran down the hall to the central room where Owlette was, and Gekko saw that the machine he was working on was near completion, but he also saw that Catboy was coughing blood and he was in so much pain he could barely move.

Owlette spots Gekko with PJ Robot and flew over to him.

"Gekko! You found PJ Robot."

PJ Robot gave Owlette a big hug.

"I'm so glad your okay buddy!"

"What about Catboy?"

"What about that machine?"

Gekko decided to destroy the machine with his strength Romeo was working to prevent the risk of PJ Robot succumbing to Romeo. Gekko shoved Romeo aside and destroyed it easily.

"Noo!! Argghh!! You'll pay for this lizard legs! Catboy get him."

Little did he know, Catboy was gone. Romeo was furious while Gekko was confused and somewhat worried.

Catboy wasn't ditching Romeo, he was hidden on the upper deck where Owlette and Gekko were originally were. Ready to pounce on Gekko, with super cat jump he pounced on Gekko, pinning him to the floor. Romeo was satisfied with Catboy, seeing him come a long way when he first used him.

"Gekko! Catboy! Get off of him!" Owlette was trying to pull Catboy off of Gekko, but Catboy ran for Owlette, Owlette was quick enough to fly in the air. Catboy through stripes at her but she dodged all of them, until she decided to tell him that her and Gekko knew the truth.

"Catboy listen! We know why your like this!" Catboy kept trying to stripe her down.

"Romeo erased the memory of everybody in school about you!" Catboy still tried to tied her up. But, now Romeo was listening.

"Romeo threatened to erase our memories about you! You're only doing this because you don't want us to forget about you!" Catboy was in shock, he couldn't believe she knew about this, he new her and Gekko must have been listen in when he was helping, or getting beaten up by Romeo.

"We can help you! You could have just told us.." Owlette thought Catboy's condition could still be reversable.

"Shut up! Bird brain! You were not suppose to learn about that information!!" Romeo was in complete shock, he did not know what to do, just like how Owlette and Gekko felt too.

"How.... Just how!! How did you learn about that!?!" Romeo was angry, now it all comes down to Catboy.

Would Catboy still listen to Romeo after knowing that they knew the truth? Or, would he find some place in his heart to listen to Owlette.

Romeo knew he needed to do something about this, so he would let Catboy decided what he was going to do, or if it should be him that needs to do something.

"Catboy. Pin her down!!"

Catboy looked at Romeo for a second, then decided to listen.

"Yes, master."

Catboy jumped up and grabbed Owlette by the ankle and pulled her down to the ground. Catboy pinned Owlette down, now he was on top of her. Owlette looked into his eyes, and he looked completely empty, emotionless, just a puppet to listen to Romeo, not the same Catboy/Connor anymore she once knew and cared.

"Catboy finish her off!"

Owlette was petrified, she couldn't believe Catboy would be the one to end her.

"Catboy, you wouldn't really do that... right..?"

Catboy finally showed some sort of emotion for once in days, his face expression was a worrying face.

Catboy let out his claws from his hands, getting ready to end Owlette. Romeo looked very pleased, satisfied he didn't have to do anything about the fact Owlette and Gekko new verified information.

Gekko got up and tried to shove catboy aside from Owlette with his shields. But was pinned by Romeo's flybots.

"You get to watch kitty cat finish off the bird brain, lizard legs. Muahahahahah!!"

"How could you do this Romeo!!"

"Be grateful, I gave you front row seats after all."

Gekko couldn't watch, never would he thought in a million years Catboy would ever do this, especially to Owlette.

Catboy looked into Owlette's eyes, for one last time before he made the finishing blow.

"Catboy! Attack!!" Romeo commands

Owlette closed her eyes and Catboy strikes with his claws.

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