Chapter Three

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Here the PJ Masks were, approaching the flying factory in the Owl Glider. Suspiciously, there were no fly bots patrolling around the flying factory like they usually would. Instead, it was oddly quiet the only sound there was is the flying factory's propeller's at the end spinning around. As the PJ Masks landed on the flying factory's deck they walk with caution, expecting anything they walk into the elevator. The elevator ride down was complete silence, usually they would hear fly bots working and making loud machinery sounds with metal hitting one another but it there was none of those sounds this time, nor were Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko were talking to each other. As they entered the main floor and started searching for Romeo, it was Gekko who broke the silence.

"Anyone see Romeo?" He said.

Little did they know Romeo was expecting them anytime soon and was sitting on a chair with its back turned in front of them evilly smiling. He didn't care that Owlette and Gekko were there, all he cared was to see Catboy. But, he had to make sure both Owlette and Gekko won't figure out what Romeo had planned for Catboy when it comes to turning him into a better version of robot.

"Owl Eyes.... There he is! Right there!" Said Owlette.

The trio had no idea what to expect nor do they have any clue of what they're expecting from Romeo, especially Catboy.

"Romeo!" Yelled Owlette.

As Romeo turned his chair over to see the PJ Masks.

"Ah, I was wondering when you would show up. I'm sure your wondering what has happened." Romeo said.

"You have something to do with this don't you?!" Cried Catboy in an angry sad tone.

"I must admit, Your friends and everybody forgetting about you. I and my memory ray truly am the one behind it. Don't bother trying to make them remember you, the effect is permanent and cannot be undone without assistance." explained Romeo.

Romeo didn't care what any of the PJ Masks were thinking. If anything, he was proud of what he was doing, breaking Catboy was just the first part of his plan. The only thing he was worried about were the trio figuring out how to reverse the effect by destroying the memory ray Romeo invented. But when Catboy was fully broken and ready to cease to exist, it wouldn't matter.

"So your the one behind this! Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Oh don't worry, you will figure out why soon enough, very soon enough. This truly is my most genius plan ever! Muahahahahahahahah!!" Romeo was pleased with his progress.

Romeo's laughing was just fueling Catboy with anger, just like how Night Ninja kept using Master Fang's sword. But the anger he felt this time was different than the anger he felt before, this time it was cunning, it was full of rage, full of hatred towards Romeo. Thankfully Catboy contained his anger towards Romeo and kept as calm as he could. Romeo on the other hand was just getting started in his plan, but then again he couldn't let Owlette nor Gekko find out about what he has planned for Catboy, so he had to drive the two away.

"Robot! catch and hold Bird Brain! Robette catch Lizard Legs and hold him tight! Flybots seize Catboy!" Romeo ordered.

Immediately the PJ Masks got into action, Robot started chasing Owlette and she flew left. Robette starting chasing Gekko and he went right. The flybots didn't chase Catboy, but instead held him tight. As soon as Owlette and Gekko left the main room with Robot and Robette chasing them. Catboy was left alone with Romeo. There was silence again between Catboy and Romeo. Until, it was Romeo who starting talking and broke the silence.

"So, Catboy I'm sure you have lots of questions." Romeo asked.

"Obviously! You've stooped to low this time Romeo! You won't get away with this!" Cried Catboy.

Catboy struggled to get out of the flybot's grasp as hard as he could, but all he could do was lock eyes on Romeo with an angry face expression and eyes that looked like he wanted to attack him. Romeo noticed his angry face and death stare and continued talking.

"I'm sure your wondering why I've done this to you. That's because you have caused me the most trouble out of all the pesky "PJ Pains", I've decided that I would play our game on easy mode for once and pick on you specifically for my most genius plan ever! Muahahahahaha!" Romeo said in a tone that was clear he was telling the truth.

"Making people forget about me won't stop me from putting an end to your "game" your talking about! If I wont stop you then my friends will!" Cried Catboy.

"Oh I wont stop you or your friends. My servant will!" said Romeo.

"You won't get away with this Romeo! You never will! And, you never have!" Shouted Catboy.

Catboy continued to struggle to get Romeo's flybots off of him. So much so that Romeo had to call in more flybots to pin Catboy down on the ground.

"I already have, you don't know it yet but soon you will admit it." Replied Romeo.

Each time Romeo was answering Catboy's questions, the more excited he was getting in breaking the big news to him.

"I'm sure your wondering why your friends can still remember you, I decided I would put that to my own benefit."

"You better leave them alone! Don't hit them with your memory ray!" Catboy yelled.

"Listen, I won't hit them with my ray on one condition. Here's an offer you cannot refuse." Romeo said.

"And, what is that?" Replied Catboy.

"I won't hit them with my ray only if you become my servant, my kitty, another robot to do my biddings." Romeo said with an evil smile on his face.

Romeo knew this is an offer Catboy couldn't refuse, but he doesn't know that yet.

"Never! I will never listen to a word you will ever say from your mouth" Catboy said as he jumped up from the ground pushing the flybots off him.

"You don't have a choice Catboy, it's either that or your friends will forget every single thing about you, all the days and nights of defeating me will all be wasted if you don't become my servant and listen to all my commands! So what's it gonna be." Romeo cynically said with an evil smile on his face.

Catboy couldn't believe what is happening to him, his worst fear of following a villain's order and being forced to turn against his friends has come true. He didn't want to be blackmailed by anyone especially a villain, especially Romeo. Catboy was immobilized and  couldn't do anything but to muster out a word. One word.


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