Chapter Twenty-One

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Everything in his mind was nothing but determination, all there is, is to get back at Romeo and end his nightmare once and for all.

When Catboy made it to the deck of the flying factory, he wasted no time. There were fly bots everywhere patrolling around the flying factory, Romeo must have knew he would come for the memory ray or him. Quietly, Catboy made his way into the elevator and into the flying factory in his desperate attempts to find Romeo. When he arrived in the central room, he couldn't find Romeo nor any fly bots, but he could still potentially find the memory ray. The only problem was, Catboy didn't know what it looks like, he only saw it shoot beams of rays but only the rays and not the sender.

Catboy decided it was a better idea to lure Romeo in here and get him to show him where it is while still hiding, he devised a plan to mock a fly bot for it to get Romeo's attention and when Romeo comes in Catboy will make him think he's tampering with all the controls of the flying factory and pretend he reversed all the memories of him into his friends and everybody he knew, then Catboy would immediately run to a hiding spot faster then Romeo can react and watch carefully as Romeo shows him the memory ray.

The only problem was, no fly bots were in the central room. Until he can find a fly bot, he won't be able to pull off his plan. Just then, fly bots came in carrying bolts, screws, and scrapes of metal trash that was probably going to be thrown out in the sucky-sucker, Catboy quickly caught their attention and they dropped the trash and chased him, firing their beams of lasers. Catboy was barely able to hold against them let alone dodge their lasers since he was still bruised but it not as bad as before. Finally, the fly bots stopped and started to notify more fly bots and Romeo to come to the central room, which wasn't apart of Catboy's plan. Eventually, Catboy was overrun with fly bots and was forced to stop running and fight back. Letting out his claws, piercing through fly bot screen's displaying their single eyes, Catboy started to generate electricity with his cat speed and shocking the fly bots and mauling them with his claws like a cougar or leopard.

After continuous mauling of fly bots and ripping them to shreds, Romeo finally arrived into the central room just to see dismembered fly bots scattered across the floor. Romeo was partly shocked, but was also proud of his work. Catboy didn't know it yet, but Romeo has finished his work of Catboy. Romeo has officially done it to Catboy. He didn't care anymore if Catboy reversed the memory ray's effects because he didn't know that Romeo has affected him so badly and Catboy was completely oblivous to it. Just then Catboy spotted Romeo.

"Romeo!" Catboy yelled.

"Wait! Wait! I surrender!" Catboy immediately knew something was up.

"I know why you came for me. You wanted me to reverse the effects of the memory ray right?" Romeo said.

"...Y-Yes." Catboy said in confusion.

"Then come and get it." Romeo pulled out a ray-looking device.

Romeo started to run, Catboy immediately started to chase after him. Fly bots got in between Romeo and Catboy and started attacking Catboy. Catboy launched his claws at the fly bots piercing through their screens displaying their eyes and clawed mauled fly bots until they were in pieces.

Romeo started to get worried about what Catboy is going to do with him after seeing what he did with those fly bots of his. Catboy was once a nice and caring kid, now he was an absolute maniac courtesy of Romeo. Realizing the monster he created, Romeo was worried and frightened and starting running faster. The fly bots Romeo sent at Catboy were only merely slowing him down. Finally, Romeo made it to the cockpit where he pilots the whole flying factory, which is also a dead end.

Romeo turned back to see Catboy behind him, in fear he backed up into the wall and Catboy towering over him held him by the neck and demanding he'd hand the ray over to him. Romeo let the ray drop out of his hand and Catboy picked it up trying to reverse the effect, he realized nothing worked, the buttons don't do anything, there wasn't even any battery. It was a fake. Catboy threw it on the ground and started to interrogate Romeo, demanding where the real memory ray was.

"Tell me, Romeo!" Catboy demanded.

"Okay! Okay! Don't hurt me! Please! I give up!" Romeo was in complete fear.

"Tell me!" Catboy yelled.

"The central room! There's a control panel beside the sucky-sucker's and you can reverse it there!" Romeo confessed.

Catboy sprinted off into the central room and did exactly what he said. Turns out the memory ray was the ray in front of the deck of the flying factory. Catboy reversed all the effects and the ray started to firing at the whole city, including Amaya, Greg, Newton, and Ivan's houses , later it fired at the top of mystery mountain, outerspace, and in the far distance. Catboy knew what this meant, his nightmare was over.

"It's finally over!!" Catboy said triumphantly.

Just then Romeo emerges in time to hear Catboy yell his victory scream, not even the "PJ Masks we shout hooray" nonsense, Romeo let out a big evil laugh.

"Oh, kitty cat! It's not over. You see, you will never be the same ever again!" Romeo said.

Catboy turned his back to Romeo and didn't care what he had to say. Catboy reversed the sucky-sucker and jumped down into the city. Romeo just laughed, Catboy doesn't know what's coming. Romeo has officially won.

With Catboy...

Catboy immediately tried to get in contact with PJ Robot.

"PJ Robot!"


"It's done. It's all over."

"You got him?" PJ Robot said in concern.

"Yeah, I did. I'm hoping everything will go back to normal."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean what about me? I'm fine. Just, a little bruised." PJ Robot was concerned over Catboy's behavior and sighed.

"Okay then.. You should get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."

"I know..."

Catboy walked himself to his house before sunrise and went to bed excited for tomorrow.

Sorry I took so long to update I'm quite busy with school and stuff. The next chapter is probably going to be shorter then the rest.

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