Y/N: Nice place you have here.

Ventress: Not everyone on Coruscant lives in a luxurious temple on the surface.

Y/N: Guess I'll have to get used to that.

Ventress: Just make the call. (Y/N was taking out a wire from the holo booth) Adding another criminal record?

Y/N: I don't want them to trace it. (calls Ahsoka) Ahsoka, it's me.

Ahsoka (hologram): Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm okay. Well, I got your warning and Anakin found me but I escaped for now.

Ahsoka (hologram): Where are you?

Y/N: I can't say.

Ahsoka (hologram): I think I found a clue.

Y/N: A clue? How? From where?

Ahsoka (hologram): I had Barriss help me. But we don't have much time.

Y/N: *sighs* I'm on level 1312.

Ahsoka (hologram): Three levels up there seems to be an abandoned warehouse where they used to build munitions that Letta visited during the time she was getting access to the nano-droids.

Y/N: How did she find this out?

Ahsoka (hologram): Don't know. She's just good like that. Y/N, just be careful. (hangs up)

Ventress: (Y/N walks towards her) Well?

Y/N: I think I got a lead.

Ventress: It doesn't seem like you need my help.

Y/N: That's not true. We need to find an abandoned munitions warehouse on level 1315. We should be able to find some information there. (notices the look on her face) You know the place I'm talking about, don't you?

Ventress: Yes. I can get you there.

Suddenly clones appeared and they surrounded them with their weapons drawn. Y/N didn't want to attack them so he had his hands up.

Y/N: Listen to me. I don't want to fight.

Ventress: I do.

Wolffe: We're taking you in now, Commander.

Y/N: That's not gonna happen, trust me. We're not going to hurt any of you... but you're not taking me in.

Wolffe: Commander, we are taking you in.

Ventress: (activates lightsabers) Let's play!

Y/N: Don't kill them!

One of the clones grabbed Y/N but he uppercutted him and the took the other clones out quickly by punching, kicking, and tossing them around. Ventress was doing the same.

Ventress: Didn't kill one. It's the new me.

Y/N: Well, I'm impressed.

Y/N and Ventress ran away together and they made their way up to level 1315 as Ventress led Y/N to the warehouse that he was talking about.

(Munitions Warehouse)

Y/N and Ventress had arrived to the warehouse without anybody following them. But the warehouse looked pretty rundown.

Ventress: That's where you're supposed to find this clue. I've done my part of the bargain which means you're on your own from here. But don't forget you have to speak on my behalf now. That was the deal. (hands Y/N back his lightsaber)

Y/N: Agreed. Thanks for getting me this far, at least. I have to admit I never saw us doing anything together ever.

Ventress: These are strange times.

Ventress walked away and Y/N went inside the warehouse as he was trying to look for the clue that he was looking for but he heard someone land behind him and rhey activated their lightsabers and started attacking Y/N. Y/N quickly activated his lightsaber and was blocking all of her attacks as he noticed Ventress's mask but noticed that she was wearing different clothes. She kicked Y/N back and he cracked his neck.

Y/N: You're not, Ventress.

The girl started running and Y/N chased after her to the top. But she was nowhere to be found. Y/N was on his guard and he blocked her attack which was behind his back and he grabbed her arm and flipped her over as he was able to cut one side of her mask but she quickly went up to another level but Y/N was quick enough to get up there.

Y/N kept trying to get a good look on the girl's face but she was avoiding him at all cost. The girls used the Force to push three barrels at him but he jumped to the right and the whole place exploded after she cut the pipes. Y/N flew back from the explosion but he used a metal sheet to shield him.

The girl raised the metal sheet off of Y/N by using the Force and she grabbed him and threw him at the wall. The girl Force Pushed Y/N into the crates and he fell down from the upper level and landed in the basement but he was hurting from the fall. But Y/N found the nano-droids but he quickly looked back up and he quickly realized who set him up.

Y/N: (sees nano-droids) Nano-droids... (turns around & sees Wolffe & his men) Wait, Wolffe.

Wolffe shoots Y/N with the taser and knocks uim out. Anakin rushed over and saw the nano-droids. They handcuff Y/N and they take him back to the temple.

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