Ship Raid

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Y/N and Ahsoka were on a mission together with General Luminara Unduli to escort Nute Gunray to the Jedi Council to pay for his war crimes.

Luminara: Captain, have you made contact with the cruiser?

Clone Pilot: Yes, General. We'll patch you through now.

Luminara: Jedi cruiser, Tranquility. This is General Luminara Unduli requesting permission to land.

???: You are cleared, General. We await your prisoner's arrival.

Luminara: Thank you, Captain Argyus. I look forward to delivering him to you.

Gunray: I am a man of great wealth, and I can be very generous to my allies.

Y/N: That is a very nice offer viceroy. But I also have a gift for you. (shaking handcuffs)

Ahsoka: Finally it's been such a boring trip.

The pilots docked into the cruiser as Y/N puts the handcuffs on Nute. Y/N, Ahsoka, and Luminara walked out of the ship to escort Gunray to Captain Argyus.

Gunray: This is an outrageous miscarriage of justice. I demand my litigator.

Y/N: Keep moving. (bumps Gunray)

Argyus: Greetings, General. We have the brig all ready for this traitor.

Luminara: Very good, Captain. Captain Y/N, let's get underway.

Y/N: Right away, General. Let's move!

Gunray walks ahead and Argyus's men escorts him. As Y/N, Ahsoka, and Luminara followed them.

Ahsoka: Senate Commandos? How does a money-grubbing worm like Gunray rate all this security? He doesn't look that dangerous.

Luminara: Don't let your overconfidence give Gunray another advantage, Ahsoka. Even now, his allies may be conspiring against us.

Ahsoka: Right. Hey, Y/N, you gonna interrogate him?

Y/N: If I did, I don't think he'll be able to use his limbs anymore.

Ahsoka: Jeez, are you really that rough?

Y/N: Depends.

Luminara: We Jedis will not use violence. But if it does have to that, I'll give you permission, Captain.

Y/N: Yes, General.

Y/N, Ahsoka, and Luminara walked into Gunray's cell to start the interrogation to see if they can make him confess to anything right away before getting to the Jedi Council.

Luminara: Your thoughts betray you, viceroy. I can sense your concern, the fear that you will lose the wealth and the power that the war has given you.

Gunray: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Luminara: You hide great many things. The names of your secret allies, the locations of their bases.

Gunray: I am an innocent pawn in all of this.

Luminara: *scoffs* If you're merely a pawn, then who are you protecting?

Gunray: No one. I... I know nothing.

Ahsoka: Liar! Liar! (activates Lightsaber) I'm tired of all this whining! (places Lightsaber at Gunray's neck) Tell wus what we want to know right now, or I will gut you like a Rokarian dirt fish! (Gunray falls down & screams)

Y/N: Ahsoka! (pulls her away) You can't use your weapon to use terror.

Ahsoka: I wasn't being serious. The only way to make him talk was to get him scared.

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