"Hi...? Were we supposed to be meeting this early in the morning and I somehow completely forgot about in which case I'm really sorry?"

Taylor laughed softly and pushed past Margot into the apartment, closing the door behind her. Then, she pressed a kiss on Margot's cheek before starting to make her way toward the kitchen.

"No, I just thought I'd surprise you with some homemade pancakes!"

Margot raised her eyebrows in surprise just as Kennington came running into the kitchen, moving around Taylor in circles before rolling on his back, demanding belly rubs. Taylor put the paper bag on the counter and crouched down to the dog's level, scratching his exposed chest and belly while he wagged his tail and kicked his leg excitedly.

"You made homemade pancakes?" She asked, chuckling softly. "You woke up early to make pancakes and bring them over here?"

"Yes, because I know you're going to have a long day today and I want to make sure you have a good breakfast to get through it," Taylor told her, standing back up and emptying the Tupperware containers out of the bag.

Margot was still confused. She didn't understand why anyone would do that. She expected these kinds of things from her family, especially Thalia who just generally liked to feed others, but never a partner. Harry was never one to do random acts of service as such.

"Why?" She asked, letting out another chuckle while brushing her hair back and putting it up in a ponytail.

"What do you mean why?" Taylor asked, leaving the containers open on the kitchen island and grabbing two plates from the cupboard. "Because I care about you, idiot."

Margot's heart did the thing even when Taylor called her an idiot. It was an affectionate insult. And she cared about her.

Still, she pointed a playfully threatening finger in Taylor's face and pretended to be mad. "Don't call me an idiot."

"Yes, ma'am!" Taylor replied and then placed a kiss on Margot's finger. "Come on. Let's sit and eat."

"I don't have a lot of time, so, I'm going to get changed first," Margot said. She also wanted to wash her face and brush her teeth so she could actually kiss Taylor good morning.

"As long as you're not trying to get out of it," Taylor hummed and went to fill the coffee maker with some coffee grounds. By that point, she knew where Margot kept everything in her practically empty kitchen. She didn't use it much besides when making coffee in the morning and keeping the occasional piece of fruit.

"I wouldn't dream of it," Margot replied, leaning in to press a kiss on Taylor's cheek before turning to leave. "Sure, make yourself at home, dear."

"I'm making you coffee! Don't be sarcastic with me!"

"Wow, you're in a mood today!" Margot called back and chuckled as she climbed the stairs to get to her room.

She was really glad that Taylor had come all this way to check on her though. She really appreciated it and though she had been pretty anxious all morning long, just her presence helped make her feel a little better.

She put on a pair of dark trousers and tucked in a simple white blouse after freshening up and applying a light layer of makeup that made it look like she had gotten a full night's sleep. She kept her hair up in the ponytail but she made sure there were no stray hairs out of place and then grabbed her purse and her heels just as her phone started ringing when she was about to make her way back downstairs.

Her mother's contact blinked on her screen and after a moment's thought, Margot picked it up. She sat down at the foot of her bed and started slipping her heels on while holding her phone up to her ear with one hand.

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