Chapter 6: A Divine grade Sugar baby

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"Tony, that's someone's religious sentiment. You can't just..." Pepper began to admonish her boss. She was seriously worried about damaging the relations between the USA and Genosha just because of Tony's loose mouth.

"No, it's okay Miss Potts. We don't mind. In fact, you are quite right, Mr. Stark. You see, humans are never meant for peace. Humans always strive for war, they strive to conquer whether it is for love or money, resources or land, religion or color, or even if it's just to show how strong they are. But they do it nonetheless. They don't want to unite and live in peace. Same with metahumans, they aren't anything special except the fact that they can do a few minor tricks here and there.

So we have to give them a reason not to go to war, not to fight among themselves, not to kill each other. And that's where god comes in, any god that is. The very possibility of the existence of a god makes you afraid to freely pursue your desire for war and chaos. Your belief, your fear, your promises, and the ideals provided by the god you believe in, keep you chained to your humanity. But this new age has been slowly corrupting those ideals from people's minds, making them bolder and more audacious to do whatever they wish. And, that's where the New Gods of which Atem is the King differ from these Old Gods. Instead of sitting in their high thrones, they exist among humans to make sure they don't kill themselves." I said trying to keep the image of Atem squeaky clean.

"Well, whatever. I am an atheist, so I don't even care. But you Mr. Sugarbaby do have quite some views on stuff. You sure you are not some philosopher or anything?" Tony chuckled as he took a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and sipped from it.

"No, I am just a really lucky person. But still thanks for the praise, I made that up on the spot." I said knowing that my view seemed so attractive to them only because of my 'Golden Rule' ability which made more or less everything about me supernaturally charming.

In fact, I had to keep the ability at a bare minimum all the time to not daze everyone around me. After all, there had been some weak-willed humans who had begun quivering at my feet the moment they laid their eyes on me due to my ability.

"I don't normally give praises, so you can rest assured that you are definitely as good as any boring philosophy teacher from the most reputed universities... Is that Emma Frost, the chairwoman of Meta Platforms?" Tony stopped in the middle of his sentence and suddenly asked with some underlying grievance and awe hidden in his voice as he looked in a certain direction.

Wow, he really has a short attention span, doesn't he? I guess he is not really adept at communicating with people who have an equal or higher social standing than him since he is more or less supposed to be the brain behind the company while Stane was the one who dealt with interactions like that.

"Seems so," I said as I noticed a beautiful blonde ice queen wearing a white corset and a fluffy rabbit fur scarf walking towards us with some slight annoyance visible on her pretty face.

"Ahh Mis Frost, it seems you have finally decided to partner with Stark Industries since I just got the news of your firm buying huge amounts of our shares from some of the scaredy cat investors," Tony said with a confident voice thinking that she was here to propose an official partnership between Meta International and Stark Industries.

"Mr. Stark? You are here too? I thought you would still be in a wheelchair from your injuries. I heard that terrorists like to sexually abuse their prisoners, are you sure that you don't need some more rest?" She asked as she raised one of her eyebrows curiously and took a look at Tony from head to toe.

"I assure you, Miss Frost, that I wasn't sexually abused at all. I am a very hard person to abuse especially by male terrorists." He answered with a frown.

"Oh, good for you." She said as she turned towards me, "I hope you are not bored without me, darling. I was a little caught up with my sister. Apparently, someone forgot to tell me that my dear sister was also being invited to the party." Emma suddenly kissed my cheeks affectionately before throwing a glare towards Selene which the dark-haired metahuman sorceress completely ignored.

And with just a single kiss Emma officially ruined my fun act. I was having so much fun with this sugar baby thing and now I would have to stop the joke... unless...

"Hmm? Wait you know him?" Tony asked with confusion and subtle envy visible on his face.

"Yeah, of course, I know him. He is..."

"Adam Giotem. And yes, we do know each other since she is also my sugar mommy. As you know it's legal in Genosha to have multiple legal partners as long as all parties are willing. So if one can have multiple husbands and wives, why not multiple sugar mommies too?" I interrupted her and explained by spinning the most outlandish lie ever.

"..." Tony became absolutely silent as he just stood there with a blank look on his face as it seemed like he was having trouble processing the gears in his head.

"I see. Well, we respect the customs and culture of every country here, so you do not have to worry or even care about people judging you. We will make sure of it. Just enjoy the party as best as you can. Let's go, Tony. We need to welcome the other guests too." Pepper broke out of her shock before Tony and skillfully managed the situation without coming off as rude while she tried to drag away the startled billionaire philanthropist.

"Huh? Okay. I guess we will meet again Miss Frost, Miss Gallio and... Mr. Giotem... By the way Pepper, what do you think about moving to Genosha? I think we can have a much better life as their official citizens. Hell, I might even accept their god if it means I can have a legal harem for myself." He muttered.

Maybe I should tell him how hard it is to actually maintain a harem to keep your lovers from getting sexually frustrated and cheating behind your back. You definitely have to have some sort of supernatural sexual skill or huge stamina or a really massive dick to avoid all that.

However, maybe a bunch of Ironman suits can do it too for him.

"Sugar mommy?" Emma asked while tilting her head slightly trying to appear cute, something she learned from Jean

"I'll tell you later. Let's just enjoy the party now and continue doing what we were originally doing." Looking for potential members to fill the ranks of the outer circle of the Hellfire Club, the more public arm of my own secret organization, the League.

Yeah, I know I told you guys that I want to take it easy and stuff but you can never have too much power you know. One can always obtain some more for a rainy day.


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