Chapter 43: Therapy

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*Parker's POV*

I'll never forget the following morning after I awoke from my coma. Bailey slept beside me, and I loved hearing her softly snore while holding me tight. It was everything I never knew I needed for the rest of my life. Nurse Madeline had entered my room pretty early, as the sun was barely rising. I knew someone had opened the door, but I was too distracted just staring at my beautiful woman who safely rested in my arms. The nurse began to check my vitals, replaced my IV fluids, and asked how I was feeling.

I replied truthfully, telling her that aside from my stiffness and lack of strength in my body, I was terrific. She smiled at me and explained how being in a coma and not moving my body for nearly a month caused me to lose about ten percent of my muscle mass. Madeline and I had a really lovely talk; she informed me of everything I didn't know that happened when I arrived at the hospital. I already knew the basics of what went down, but I never knew how much Bailey played the part of literally saving my life.

One evening, while Bailey sat by my side, she and Madeline spoke about the shooting, and my girlfriend told her what happened, and now, that same nurse was telling me. Bailey rushed to my side, kept me from bleeding out, distracted Kenneth by screaming his name, and gave me CPR as well as her blood. I honestly wouldn't be alive right now if she didn't do half the things she did. I truly can't believe it... that amazing woman gave me her blood... she kept me from leaving this world... Bailey fought so goddamn hard for me to survive, and when the time is right, I will show her how much her actions that day means to me.

Once that part of the conversation was done, the topic of physical therapy was brought up again. I was curious about all the things I could start doing. So, I asked her opinion. She mentioned small exercises I could do to help build my strength and get used to moving around again. The dark-haired nurse was kind and had an aura that felt like pure optimism; it was charming.

From that morning until I was discharged to go home, I started small, and Bailey was utterly supportive every step of the way. I would begin every morning by getting myself off the hospital bed and carefully walking to the bathroom. At first, I needed support, but I got used to it after a while. Once I got myself back to the bed, Bailey would tell me how proud of me she was, but that was only the beginning. I could never forget her eagerness to be part of my healing process; she always offered her own ideas and suggestions to help me.

One afternoon, a day or so later, when my lunch meal arrived, Madeline came in to remove the IVs from my arms because I didn't need them anymore. She and Bailey talked amongst themselves while I ate. I found it so sweet how my girlfriend stayed on top of everything about me and held the reins, so to speak. When the dark-haired nurse asked how I'd been faring so far, Bailey answered her, informing Madeline how I'd been walking to the bathroom by myself. She also made it known that I wanted to do more and speed up the process. Madeline told her she could give me a stress ball, and for some reason, that struck an idea with Bailey. When she verbalized what she thought, I was surprised I hadn't thought of it sooner.

It was as if she was in a trance, getting up from where she sat, grabbing her bag, and searching inside it. Both Madeline and I were curious, so we watched to see what she was going to take out. The smile on my face was instant. Just seeing the sketchbook and colored pencils in her hand, I felt like she read my mind, and I knew she was indeed the other part of my soul. When she returned to her spot, I tenderly pulled her face to mine and softly kissed her lips. I had forgotten entirely about the nurse, and she stated how we were an adorable couple.

Right after I finished eating, I began drawing random things in Bailey's sketchbook, working to revitalize my hand and finger strength. Eventually, I met with my physical trainer, and we began working together a couple of hours a day. With everything I was doing on my own and daily scheduled PT, I was starting to feel like my usual self. However, I was still very sore and had pain in my chest, where the bullet hit me. Some days, after my therapy, I would enter my hospital room to be greeted by all of our friends, Lisa and Braylon included.

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