-54: Delusion-

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Zero woke the a serene light, it was hazy and all together slightly blurry. He was not in a body, simply a spectator. Right, Lucian's deal. He was seeing what would have happened if he simply hadn't appeared in the domain. It was a different manor house, Hikari sat on a bed laughing happily as a male Zero had never seen before pushed her up with the bedsheets. He was also a butler, seemed Glitch really did pick people similar to who Hikari knew in her life. Upon his scruffy reddish brown tinted locks, was a pair of cat ears. It made some sense, after Zero caught a glance at his feline cerulean eyes. The cat male smirked at the sight of play fighting with the demon child.
"Reiss!" Hikari giggled," What's the rush!? Wait! Lemme get out of bed, don't throw me off!"
Reiss scowled," Making beds isn't exactly the most interesting gig in the world, you know. I'm just trying to get the boring stuff out of the way first."
Hikari pouted," You should be careful how you speak to a lady!"
A sly grin spread across Reiss' face.
"You? A lady? You can't even button up a dress."
Hikari puffed up her cheeks.
"Admit it, you walked into that one," Reiss laughed, triumphantly.
"Still, that was uncalled for! Tch, always making fun of me..."

Reiss' eyes narrowed, frowning.
"There's a difference between poking fun at somebody, and cruelty disguised as jokes. One lets the person know you're comfortable around them. The other is designed to tear that person down to make themselves feel better."
Hikari slid off the sheet, the cat human smoothing them out.
"So which one are you then?" Hikari frowned.
"The second," Reiss broke into laughter, before shaking his head," No. I'm not that kind of person and I never will."
Their voices grew foggy, as the entity watched. So far, everything did seem happier.
"See? It'd be so much happier if you had just never shown up. There would have been no disease."

The room changed to a dining room, Hikari stared at the table with a pout as the silver haired cat butler waltzed in, dish in hand.
"Good morning," He smiled.
"Hi, Keith."
"I've prepared one of my specialty dishes today!" Keith hummed, setting the plate down," It's a breakfast sautéed with lots of nutritious things for a busy day."
Reiss nudged Hikari with his elbow, a wide grin plastered over his face," Keith is one of the best cooks in the whole wide world. His sautéed dishes are top-of-the-line."
"Well," Hikari hummed," I like his fish dishes."
"No, no," Reiss grinned," This is different. You're in for a treat, trust me."
Keith placed the plate in front of Hikari, smiling, slightly proud of himself," It's a staple of the Calico Manor Cuisine."
Hikari grimaced, it was a plate full of strange tawny-coloured sludge. Not to mention it smelled terrible.
"Keith..." Hikari tugged at his waistcoat, he glanced down, confused," Are you sure this is...completely cooked?"
"Of course! Isn't the aroma just scrumptious?"
Hikari blinked a few times, staring up at him, as though he'd magically turn the food into something more appetizing. Keith did not, he just returned her with a confused look. Hikari sighed, accepting her fate. She took a spoonful and lifted it to her mouth, taking a small bite. Hikari coughed, grimacing.

"Are you alright?" Keith frowned.
It tasted so bland, and slimy and...strange. Hikari shook her head, pushing the plate away. Keith frowned.
"Let me check. It said it was made from the finest ingredients."
Hikari watched as Keith pulled out a can, reading the label.
"Liver, meat broth, poultry entrails, salt, guar gum... Blech! What's guar gum? Maybe that's the problem."
Hikari wrinkled her nose, shivering. Hikari turned to the can, deadpanning. It was cat food.
"Keith!" Hikari whined," That's cat food!"
"Yes, of course! Sautéed cat food! It's my speciality! I'm really good at it!"
He smiled proudly, slightly puffing out his chest.
"I can't eat cat food!"
Keith's face turned crestfallen as his fluffy ears began to quiver," Y-You can't? My apologies, I'll just make something else."
"It's okay," Hikari hummed," It's not your fault. I'm not that hungry anyway."
"Well, I can't not feed you. As part of the league, the other's would be at my neck, especially Joshua."
A laugh bubbled up from Hikari's chest, Keith smiled, softly. At the table, Reiss scooted closer to Hikari's plate.
"So, does this mean you're not going to eat that?"
Hikari deadpanned," Knock yourself dead."
Reiss grabbed her fork, delightedly," Don't mind if I do! I don't know about you, but this turned out to be a great morning!"
"See? Even when something bad happens, something good counter attacks it. When has that happened with you here, Zero?"

Hikari sat on the floor, frowning as she struggled to take apart a block toy from a plastic dollhouse, a midnight haired cat male sat on an armchair nearby. Zero noticed he seemed to stare off, lost in his own daydream. He snapped back to reality after hearing a scream. It belonged to Hikari. The girl had clung onto his knees, sniffling and pointing at the dollhouse. Inside, was a roach of sort, it crawled out. The male scowled, getting up and stamping on it; picking up and discarding the remains with a tissue.
"I've always hated bugs," He sighed.
"Seig, do you find them scary?" Hikari frowned.
Seig glanced back at her, his frown morphing into a small smile," When I was much younger, I did. Now though, they're just gross."
"Some caterpillars are a bit creepy. Especially the fuzzy ones..."
Seig laughed, nodding," Not to mention they cause terrible itching. Personally, there are just some insects I can't tolerate. The way I felt them crawl on my skin like this..."
Seig demonstrated the act using his index and ring finger. Hikari burst into laughter as he let his fingers lightly run across her arm like a spider.
"It seems as though insects were made to terrorise us," Seig sighed.
"Is that another one of your conspiracy theories?" Hikari raised an eyebrow.
"I was joking, Hikari."
"Oh?" Hikari smirked, catishly," You've learnt how to make jokes?"
"I always have..."
"Don't you see, Zero? You should have never come here."

Late at night, Hikari found Keith making rounds in the hallway.
"What are you doing?" Hikari yawned, rubbing the sleepy away from her eyes.
Keith frowned," Isn't it past your bedtime?"
"I was, uhm..." Hikari sweated," Getting some water..."
Keith raised an eyebrow," With a torch and boots on?"
Hikari deadpanned," Anyway...What were you doing?"
"Searching for a midnight snack."
"Scavenging for leftovers?"
"No. Mice. Haha."
Keith seemed to seldom make jokes, so Hikari snickered.
The girl squealed, pointing to the far end of the corridor," Eek! Look over there!"
"I'm on it!" Keith swiftly turned, his cat ears pricking up.
He leapt across the foyer and checked underneath a highboy. He frowned, stalking low to the ground.
"Nope..." Keith grumbled," Doesn't seem to be one over here."
He turned back to look at Hikari, amused," You're toying with me, aren't you?"
Hikari giggled, shifting from leg to leg, mischievously. Keith stood up, dusting himself off.
"Well then, let's get you back to bed."
"Aw man..."
"Your presence alone is cruel to her, Zero."

"No!" Zero seethed at the emptiness," This is a lie!"
"How so?"
"You've only shown me one day. She might have bad days too."
"Your presence alone brought the scourge. Are you that selfish you can't admit it?"
"I know your games."
"Oh? I assure you, I'm not playing a game."
"You're a demon. You're showing me what you want me to see. Manipulating me till I reach my breaking point. But none of this is real. The deal is over, Lucian. Let me wake from your distorted nightmare."
Lucian did not respond.
"Zero! Wake up!"
That voice.
"Zero! You have to wake up! I need you! Zero! Please! Don't leave me alone! Zero!"

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