-49: Servants of the Night-

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Something had happened. Something Zero couldn't quite remember. Only some parts of his memory seemed to work as the rain pattered on his scales. What was I looking for again? Hm. Aloysius, Cassius, Virgil, and Raoul...they're all my friends...right? Wait, was Hadrian my friend too? No? No. No, no! No? Ugh, I can't remember. Everything around him was dark and almost blurry. There was a  pounding in his head, and his arm throbbed. Upon his forehead was a cut, and a sharp, intense pain shot through him. He quickly pulled his hand away, to find it revealed a stained crimson. From what Zero could tell, he was in a forest and it was nighttime. Gingerly, Zero made his way through the thick, dark forest, clutching his injured arm close. He walked for a while, getting colder and colder, until he finally spotted a light up ahead. The trees parted, revealing a massive, ornate mansion. For a moment, Zero hesitated. He glanced back into the darkness of the trees and sighed. Not much of an option. Gathering his courage, Zero approached the front door and wrapped the wrought iron knocker against the wood. The door slowly swung open, revealing a tall man, who appeared to be some sort of butler. He stared at Zero, perplexed by the sight of a visitor.
"U-um," Zero mumbled," Sorry to bother you, but I'm lost and injured, and, um..."
The man looked Zero up and down, eyes widening, and Zero trained off, stunned into silence by the intensity of his gaze and eloquence of his features.

He let out a sigh," Young master

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He let out a sigh," Young master."
His bowed deeply, fixing Zero with an astonished stare when he straightened up.
"We've been awaiting your arrival."
" 'Young master'?" Zero repeated, confused," Um, I don't think--"
Zero was interrupted by the butler ringing a bell, calling out behind him," Neil! Philip! Our guest has arrived!"
Two men appeared in the foyer, looking astonished. The man at the door turned, looking at the other two.
"Come now!"
He clapped his hands.
"Philip, you prepare dinner!"
The red-haired male nodded, practically bouncing," Got it! I'm so happy to see you, Master!"
He skipped over to Zero, putting his hand on the entity's shoulders, squeezing him with a grin. He looked quite young up close.
"Philip..." The man at the door sighed.
His tone was one of warning, and Philip gave Zero a sheepish smile.
"Right. Sorry, Joshua! I'll get your dinner ready right away, master!"
As Philip hurried away, Joshua turned to Zero, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. He reminded Zero of Sebastian a lot. He led Zero inside, shutting the door behind them.
"I assure you, everything will be taken care of. Neil, tend to his injuries. I shall go ahead and make sure his room is in order."
The other man looked at Zero with narrowed eyes, before turning back to Joshua.
"How can you be sure it's him? You only got a small brief from Aloysius, and a bit here and there from Hikari."


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