-16: I'm not a child!-

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Zero walked down the corridor, rubbing his arms to keep out the house's cold seeping in. Why did I do that? Zero groaned aloud. Was I seriously falling for the Prince of Lust? The entity was rudely cut off from his lovesick daydream as a door slammed open. Great. All I wanted was to go to my room and sleep off the embarrassment. Now, I'm going to have another one of them breathing down my throat trying to claw their way into seducing me. Standing at the open door, was an annoyed looking Valec; pouting so large that if you attached a string to his cheeks he'd float up like a balloon. It was concerning how identical he really looked to Satan. Seemed that Glitch probably found soulmates to people in Hikari's world and stuffed them there.
"Zero!" He exclaimed, rushing over.
"Yes, Prince Valec?" Zero sighed, dying internally at not being able to go to bed.
"There's a rare object I'm looking for! It's an old, metal wind-up figure that looks like a soldier. Have you seen one before?"
Zero stared at Valec as the demon's prominent frown almost assessed him. He wasn't serious...right?
"You mean...the popular children's toy...?"
Valec seemed to loose it at this remark.
"It's no mere toy, it's a relic! And I need you to find me one!"
Zero struggled to hide his smile.
"Okay then, I'll look around town. It'd be nice to get some fresh air. While I'm out, want me to pick up any snacks for you?"
"Really? Snacks? Do I look like a child to you?"
Well, with that attitude...
"I'm only asking since I'll be out. I would have asked anyone else the same."
Valec flushed slightly, quickly turning his head and folding his arms," Bring a berry tart, then."
A tart? I guess they did say he had a dangerous sweet tooth.
Zero smiled politely, nodding and walking off," A toy soldier and a tart right away."
"I said it's not a-- Ugh, whatever. Just make sure you find it."

Zero walked into the town, it wasn't too far from the manor; just a little bit through the forest if you follow the path

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Zero walked into the town, it wasn't too far from the manor; just a little bit through the forest if you follow the path. It was filled with stalls and quaint houses, much like that of a fairytale. Zero bought the item Valec had described, and as he'd suspected, it was a toy. The toy soldier was worn and the paint was peeling, yet it was the only one in stock; so it had to do. Zero thankfully placed the gold in the vendors hands, turning for a bakery; until he suddenly halted. In the main towns courtyard, there was a large group of children; surrounding a man who stood in front of the fountain. They all seemed to laugh at him, in admiration. It seemed to be a puppet show. A few adults walked by, glancing over and whispering to each other.
"They're watching yet another of those odd puppet shows..."
"That puppet master is an odd fellow."
"What's his name again? Virgil?"
Zero raised an eyebrow, going on his tiptoes to try and catch a glance. As the crowd slightly parted, he caught a glance of the puppet master. His hands deftly controlled the strings attached to the marionettes' limbs. As odd as he was, he was slightly handsome. Zero squinted at the puppets, trying to discern their features. A monster. A priest carrying a sword. What kind of puppet show was he putting on for children? As if Virgil read the entity's mind, he glanced up and waved the puppets in his direction.
"Hello, lovely! Care to enjoy some whimsical entertainment tonight?" Virgil giggled, putting on a funny voice; winking at the children who burst into laughter.
Why do I feel like they're laughing at my expense?
Zero frowned and shook his head. Virgil pouted, directing the priest puppet into a bow.
"Suit yourself, young sir."
Zero grumbled, turning around to go to the bakery and quickening his pace. What an odd man.

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Zero entered Valec's quarters with his findings; still a little embarrassed from his encounter in the village

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Zero entered Valec's quarters with his findings; still a little embarrassed from his encounter in the village. Valec was waiting, leaning back in a chair and idly playing with a foldable knife.
"I have the items you requested," Zero held up the bag.
Valec gave Zero a bored glance," Of course you did, I expected no less."
Thank you isn't that hard to say, you know?
Zero placed both soldier and tart on the table in front of the young prince, his apathetic front slightly faltering. Zero turned to leave.
Zero froze in his tracks, looking over his shoulder. The boy stood from his seat looking surprisingly...lonely.
"Don't you want to see how it works? We can take it apart together. I thought you'd be into that sort of thing...since it's relics..."
Pretty sure he just wants company but can't bring himself to admit it.
"Would your brothers not be interested?" Zero suggested.
"Hah, my brothers!?"
Valec turned to his desk with a sardonic smile.
"My brothers are too busy with their royal duties to waste time on me!"
Zero felt a twinge of sympathy, but tried to conceal it as Valec brought his gaze back to him.
"So, will you stay or not?" Valec mumbled, a small hint of sadness in his tone.
"I'm sorry, Valec, but I've got more work I need to get done with tonight."
"Fine. Whatever. Your dismissed. Go do... whatever it is that's so important..."
Valec shooed Zero away, plopping in his chair and picking up a fork by the plated tart.
"Before you go," Valec spoke, sharply," I need a different figure tomorrow. I've already had my fill of this one. And bring more snacks."
"I'll see what I can do."
Valec grunted in response. Zero glanced back at him one last time. The prince looked disheartened, he pushed the tart and the toy away; ramming the fork into the desk several times. Seemed his brothers often left him, so he acted rudely and blunt for some sort of attention. Zero would have been lying if he didn't feel slightly guilty. His stubborn expression seemed close to tears. Zero walked out, gently shutting the door.
Maybe next time I shouldn't decline him...too late now though...

Trails of intertwined stars: Chapter 6Where stories live. Discover now