-17: Behold, the mighty Prince of Pride-

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For some reason, everyone wakes up in the evening; probably because the majority are vampires. Somehow, the next evening, Zero found himself in Alastor's room. Dusting. Why!? Oh right, Vrykolakas and his stubborn self. Alastor sat at his desk with a bored frown, shuffling through paperwork. The demon took a sip of coffee, letting out the occasional yawn. Even as Zero ran the feather duster over one of the cabinets, he couldn't help but take sneaky glances at the eldest prince working. His eyes roamed his rugged features, before eventually settling on his horns. The entity's attention lingered on the broken off horn, leaving only a jagged edge. What happened there?
"What are you staring at?"
Zero blinked, only to realise Alastor had been staring right at him. Crap, now I need an excuse for staring and fast!
"Sorry," Zero smiled, sweat dropping," I was just thinking it must be exciting to be a prince...You get to meet nobles from all parts of the Empire, don't you?"
Alastor placed a sheet of paper on top of a careless, sloppy stack.
"If you want to talk about the internal workings of the state, go find Malthus," He spoke, bluntly.
Alastor reclined on his chair, resting his feet on the desk with a small hum.
"Ugh... Governing the Demon Realm is more dull that it appears. I'm supposed to be leading an army, yet most of my days are spent signing papers and shaking hands, preparing to one day take the throne."

"Isn't it satisfying to know you have the ability to help even more demons?" Zero frowned, tilting his head.
"Ask that again when you've actually tried to work with other nobility. Imagine the most pompous old windbags imaginable, droning on for hours about the intricacies of demonic tax codes," Alastor grumbled, spitefully.
"Demons have tax codes?"
"We're masters of contracts," Alastor smirked, his sharp teeth flashing slightly," Who do you think invented tax codes in the first place?"
Zero let out a short laugh. Alastor was sort of funny, in a dry sort of way.
"Fair point. Still sounds more exciting than common life, though," Zero hummed, shrugging," The only path for most people is a mundane existence of working and spending your money on things to fill the void."
Alastor nodded," Oh, I know all about base human desires. They bargain their souls to my kind every day to fill that void."
"Seems like a waste of a soul to trade it for material things," Zero folded his arms over his chest.
Alastor shrugged, his lips tugged into a crooked smile.
"It doesn't matter to me. A wasted soul is just as delicious. But those of low-quality don't interest me anymore."

Alastor stood up, stalking towards the entity; his gaze pulling Zero in slightly.
"I only have a taste for the exceptional," Alastor smirked, cockily.
Zero's pulse quickened, trying to conceal his reddening face. As the entity tried to move away, Alastor grabbed his hand, enclosing it in his larger hand and yanking Zero forward. A soft gasp escaped Zero's lips, being pressed against the demon Prince's chest.
"I want to ask you something, Zero," Alastor spoke, nothing romantic about his tone, it was more demanding," How did your soul get that way?"
Zero laughed nervously, his face growing even warmer.
"Uhm... "
"Maybe it's because you have no experience in love," Alastor raised an eyebrow, smirking," That much is obvious. But there's something else too, I want to know what it is."
Alastor reached out, tilting Zero's chin up with his finger, studying his face.
"I hear you're an adventurous sort. What was it that made you leave your world?" Alastor frowned, suspiciously," I mean, it's your world. You had loved ones there, you were comfortable, and everything was perfectly suited for you."
Zero frowned, glancing at the floor," I wouldn't say perfect. My home has a lot of its own problems."
"Maybe so, but the question remains. Why bother leaving everything behind when you already had your existence planned for you?"

No chance I'm telling a demon prince I just met about why I do this. If I did, I'd be falling into a trap as his prey. I'll just dodge the question.
"Sorry, Alastor, but I have a lot of work to get done today," Zero pushed the demon's hand away from under his chin," We can resume this another time?"
Alastor's expression went smug and self-obsessed.
"That's just as well. I doubt you'd have much to say that would interest me, anyway."
Despite his dismissive tone, Zero caught a subtle look of disappointment before Alastor turned to his desk. It was as if he really did want to have a conversation. Zero sighed, softly, returning to dusting; ruminating on his words. As he reached up for a high shelf, something clattered to the floor, a weight missing from the entity's pocket. Strangely enough, I don't remember putting anything in my pocket. A compass rolled across the floor, stopping at Alastor's foot. He looked down and picked up the device, peering at it bewildered with a raised brow, as though recognising it.
"Where did you get this?" Alastor's tone was serious.
Before Zero could blink, Alastor crowded him against the shelf, holding up the strange compass. His red eyes glowed fiercely, his nails digging into Zero's shoulder as he gripped onto him.
"If you value your life, you better not lie. Where did you get this?"

Alastor pushed Zero against the wall, demanding where he'd gotten the compass. Zero met his intense gaze, trying his best to remain composed as his heart hammered in his ears.
"Well? Are you going to answer me?"
"I know this sounds like a lie, but it's not. I never had this before. Hell, I thought I would have felt it weigh my pocket down, but..."
Alastor's mouth twisted in displeasure, yet he backs off, taking several deep breaths to calm himself. He stared down at the compass in his hand.
"I wonder..." He muttered, glancing up at Zero, suspiciously," Maybe you know..."
Alastor clearly knows more about the device than he's letting on.
"Do you know what it is?" Zero asked.
He grinned a jagged smile concealing his previous glower, though Zero caught his brow twitching slightly.
"Whether I've seen the Astronav before is none of your concern."
"Astronav?" Zero repeats, frowning.
Alastor held out the device before turning his head away dismissively.
"I'll take this trinket, now, go," He spoke, his voice slightly venomous.
"It's clearly not just a trinket...but, whatever."
Alastor snarled," You're a feisty one, aren't you?"
"So I've been told."
Alastor half smiles, bouncing the Astronav on his hand; before turning his back to Zero and returning to his desk.
"It makes for a nice change of pace," Alastor hummed, before Zero left," Yet, a shame you won't last long. I can see you making it another week."
"We'll see about that," Zero scoffed, shutting the door loudly behind him.

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