-46: Breaking a Stone Barrier-

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Virgil, Cassius and Raoul left Zero in the hallway after the meeting, deciding to explore the mansion for clues. Zero stared at the council door, frowning. Aloysius hasn't come out yet. I wonder if he's mad with me for speaking up? Zero took a deep breath, knocking on the door twice before entering.

"Who gave you permission to speak?" He scowled.
Zero froze. The entity had only taken one step inside and the lord was already fuming with him.
"Um, I know you told us not to," Zero stared at the floor," But--"
Aloysius turned, his face blank except for the sheen of emotions in his eyes. Was that excitement!?
"It was fortunate that you did."
Zero blinked, startled," You're not mad?"
"I was at first," Aloysius sighed," Until I saw the effect your words had on the lords. I didn't expect you to speak so eloquently tonight. Your verbal prowess surprised me. Most humans could never go head-to-head with an Ancient vampire."
Zero let out a shaky laugh, surprised by his words.
"I was terrified, but...I have to admit, it was pretty exhilarating challenging the vampire lords."
"Yes," Aloysius nodded," I could tell by your quickened pulse."
Zero realised then that Aloysius was only standing inches away. How does he do that!? Seconds ago it was three metres away at least. He gave Zero a once-over, one corner of his mouth ticking up.
"Your qualities are... admirable."

His fingers wrapped around the entity's wrist.
"But those can be easily enhanced."
Zero's breath caught in his throat. This was nothing like his intimidating, usual contact. No, this feels different.
"Um," Zero blushed," What do you mean?"
He arched an elegant eyebrow," Have you ever considered becoming a vampire with that sense of immortality?"
The question floored Zero. Only his grip kept him upright.
Aloysius sighed," Our legacy is in your blood afterall. You belong to the world of the night. Surely, you have felt the allure of darkness. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it. After everything you have been through...do not deny yourself your true desires. I could make them a reality."
Zero swallowed hard, both alarmed and intrigued. He was curious and broken-hearted, those emotions often tended to not be a good match.
"I-" Zero grimaced," I've considered it, I suppose... The power to protect the ones you love."
Aloysius stared at him for a moment, in clear disbelief.
"The power to protect the ones you love? Most are obsessed with immortality. I expected you to be no different."
"Well, I'm not like most, am I?"
"No," Aloysius shook his head with a small smile," No you are not."

He gave a slight tug, pulling Zero even closer.
"You would make a formidable vampire, you know. When you've made your decision..."
He raised his other hand, running a finger down the entity's neck.
"Come to me."
Zero's eyes widened, as the entity gave a strained gulp. Aloysius keyed into the movements, his eyes wide and dark. Zero tilted his head, studying the vampire.
"Why make that offer to me? Would it benefit you politically if I became a vampire?"
Aloysius' expression suddenly turned blank.
"It would. And you would be fortunate to spend eternity serving me. But... that's not why I offered."
"Then why did you offer?"
Zero feared he already knew the answer. Aloysius said nothing, eyes gazing intently into his.
"Well," Zero shrugged," Regardless, I'm flattered that you offered. Living as an immortal must be awfully lonely."
A flicker of surprise passed over the vampire's features. Aloysius was silent long enough to worry the entity. Zero met his gaze, and almost gasped. His eyes carried such strong emotions. Aloysius let go of Zero's wrist.
"I'm not. And you wouldn't be."
He was blunt and his voice was carefully neutral.
"Wouldn't be what?"
"Alone. I have Hikari and...I have my servants...and I have...well..."
Aloysius stared at the window, his gaze conflicted as he bit his lip in thought.
"You wouldn't be. I'd make sure of it," Aloysius practically glared at Zero.
"Aloysius?" Zero frowned.
The vampire lord flicked a dismissive hand through the air.
"Enough. I have more important matters to attend to."
Zero lowered his head, accepting that was all Aloysius would let slip for now. Without another word, Aloysius breezed out the door, Zero following behind.

Both rejoined Cassius and Raoul in the hallway, Virgil skipped around the corner.
"Good timing!" Virgil hummed," I've got quite an interesting tidbit of information! Well, no, two tidbits, actually! First, Hadrian has no intention of living here anymore. He's decided to make Lord Bertrand's castle his own. He's all but abandoned this place. Only a few servants reside here to maintain the property."
Aloysius smirked," Then it will be safe to spend the night here."
"Spend the night?" Zero frowned.
"Why not?" Aloysius shrugged.
Zero was unsure what to say to that, so turned to Virgil," And something else to share?"
"A servant told me there's an exclusive club that worships the Mother. Rumour has it they hold midnight rituals every full moon and perform human sacrifices."
Aloysius scoffed," I've heard of these. The Carpaxian Club. It's merely a group of power-hungry lesser nobles."
Virgil wagged a finger," But that's not all! The one who supplies them with humans is none other than Hadrian."
Raoul rubbed his chin," So he's baiting them? He's worming his way into their good graces."
Zero raised an eyebrow, deciding to use Hikari's nickname" To overthrow Asius?"
Aloysius scowled," First the lords, now the nobles...Not to mention that childish nickname... Gossip always tends to flourish..."

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