-1: Darkness unravels-

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It choked him, the entity submerged in it's cruel envelope of suffocation. Cold. Like a draft. His grey hair ruffled slightly in the wind, trying to shun out the soft golden glow on the end of each streak. Wait, there was a wind? Now Zero thought about it, he didn't feel like he was floating. No. He was on a cold, hard surface; lying down. Was he dead? No. Not dead, definitely not dead. So what was this sensation?
He could feel his chest rise and fall with each sharp, short breath; so he was still living. Yet this place. He used all of his force, slowly raising his hands. Zero grunted. A smooth surface to his left. Felt like wood. He pushed it. A noise. Like a door. Zero hurdled himself with all his might at it; the entity strewed onto the floor gasping desperately. A warm light. It seeped through him. The floor was a chestnut colour, and the walls made from a cream wallpaper. He had never been here before. Zero had come out of a wardrobe, as strange as that felt to the entity.

"New guest..."
The two voices sounded different to each other, yet they finished each other's sentences. Zero peered up with a grimace, two teenage boys stared at him curiously; both looked like they were 15. One boy wore a scowl on his face, his hair looked woven from the moonlight yet he wore a bright yellow outfit that shone just like the sun. His skin a soft tan, sun kissed and a gold streak coming from his fringe locks. His iris's a gentle, yellow hue; yet his eyes sharper than a fang. From his right ear, hung a sun earring; his orange leggings sparkling like how sun hits the water surface. The other boy, the same height and build, with soft, golden locks which were much scruffier; not held up in a bun like his friend. He wore a deep blue bodysuit, with glitter on it that shone like how stars dott the night sky. The top part of his right sleeve cut off as a big moon shoulder pad was placed upon it, only revealing a little of his pale skin. From his left ear, a moon earring. His eyes wear warm and welcoming; yet his iris's dead and barren, a cold, unwelcoming silver.

"You must"
"be Zero"
Zero noticed the blonde haired one spoke first, whereas the silver haired one finished the sentence. The blonde's voice was bouncier and friendlier, yet the silver haired was colder and more abrupt.
Zero nodded, standing up; following the two that walked in front swiftly. They walked side by side, in sync. Zero frowned, standing behind them. They pulled open the door to their left, revealing a dark room. Both bowed and gestured for Zero to enter, Zero entered without hesitation. He had no clue about this world and his memory was extremely fuzzy of his own. Everything he'd experienced felt like a dream, a strangely-twisted nightmare. To follow these two, hardly seemed unreasonable to the unaware entity. They shut the door with a slam, both helping each other to lock the door. In the centre of the pitch black room was a table. Sitting at the table was four figures, only two being recognisable to the entity.

Agma. Akumu. A jester with a pallet of purple and black. A girl made from ink. All watched Zero and the two males approach.
"Zero~! It's been a while hasn't it?" Agma grinned.
"It has hardly been long..." Akumu sighed, a familiar cigarette in between his fingers.
"Who are these other people?" Zero muttered, his head throbbing more than usual.
"Ah, this jester is-"
"Jevil." Jevil cut Agma off," Chaos bringer."
Agma frowned coldly," What I was about to say! And this girl here is Suma."
Suma stared up at Zero, making the entity realise. She was identical to Hikari. Well, not entirely. Her overall outline was a spitting image of the demon girl, yet she had her horns out. And nothing was flesh and blood like Hikari, it was all clumps of oozing ink; it made Zero's stomach churn slightly watching it occasionally slosh.
"The two behind you are Ka and Ge. Ka is the silver haired one, and Ge is ol' blondie locks!"
"Where's Glitch?" Zero mumbled, rubbing his head.
"Well, Glitch is-"

There was a loud screaming noise from another room, and the void like room shook as the yeller slammed something.
"Ugh," Suma rolled her eyes.
"He's well... having a tantrum..." Agma sighed, crossing his arms.
"A tantrum-?" Zero frowned.
There was another shuddering and a shattering noise; a few flinching.
"Yes...a tantrum..." Agma arched his eyebrows, before gesturing for Zero to sit down beside him.
"Why would he have a tantrum?" Zero raised an eyebrow, sitting down.
"Because you're here."
"Yes! Ugh, do I have to spell everything out for you? Strange entity..." Agma seethed, leaning back on his chair.
"Don't you all have a leader, I swear you said it last time?"
"Oh! So your brain is working? Perfect. Yes, yes we do. Exactly why our little emerald rabbit friend is having a tantrum," Agma smirked.
"Right..." Zero deadpanned.

"Hmm, let me summarise it. Our leader is also very, uh, unwelcoming of intruders; no matter who or what they are. She will figure out you're here, one way or another, and it won't end particularly well for you or us. She doesn't like people snooping in her past. In her domain. Whenever her anger cannot be controlled, her family's curse comes stalking for fresh prey. The creatures are quite hideous," Agma scowled, taking a few gulps of a weird ale like drink.
"A curse-?"
"Not started by our leader, yet they love to leech off her fear and chaos. It's not that she's vulnerable. But, it's not like she's strong either. She's her, and that's all they desire from her."
"So the curse only seems to toy with your leader? Nobody else in the family?"
"Precisely. Which leads us on to why you're here. To save her."

Trails of intertwined stars: Chapter 6Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu