-15: Dance with a Demon-

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The evening had gone by pretty quickly. Zero found himself walking the corridor for something to do, maybe talk to a guest. Out of all of them, he seemed to have gotten on best with Brett; since he was easy to converse with and a friendly face. Zero paused. There was a strange scent flowing towards him in the air. Several, actually. Roses and alcohol. Zero shrugged it off, turning down a corridor; nearly freezing in horror. A demon he'd never seen before stumbled out of a door, a succubus; lost in a hungover haze and reeking of the stench of booze. She was shortly followed by a few other demons of different species; each groaning and swaying out, not exactly happy. Each different genders. Zero paused, watching them stumble off without a word. This could only be one person's doing. Zero approached the room, the reverb and scent of roses only growing the closer he got to the open door. Zero peered in, cautiously. His suspicion was correct. Ifrit, Prince of Lust. The demon immediately noticed him, he smirked getting up from the bed and drifting over towards Zero. He leant on the frame lazily, flashing the most charming smile Zero ever caught sight of.
"Well~ would you look at that?" Ifrit hummed, flashing a vulphine smile," Aren't you just the cutest thing~."
Zero tried to ignore the heat pooling across his face," How are you settling in...Ifrit? I look forward to spending time with you."

Zero bowed, since Ifrit is a prince after all. As he rose, Ifrit's eyes gleamed with interest.
"I'll bet you do."
Ifrit reached for Zero's hand, dipping his head.
"May I, again?"
Zero nodded warily, as Ifrit yet again brings the back of his hand to his lips, which gently grazed his skin. Ifrit directed his gaze to Zero, clearly enjoying watching the entity blush profoundly. To Ifrit this had to be just a normal day. Zero opened his mouth to speak, yet ended up sputtering, receiving a light chuckle from Ifrit.
"Aren't you just adorable. So different from my usual type. What are you interested in? Whips? Chains? Leather?"
"Uh... I'd rather read than that..."
Ifrit grinned," So you're into erotica. Leaving things to the imagination is certainly enjoyable. Do you have a favourite writer?"
"I don't like erotica..." Zero mumbled.
Ifrit leaned in, clearly in awe," How fascinating. So you don't get turned on?"
Zero grimaced. Why was this their conversation?
"You're very, um...intense..." Zero sweated slightly.
Ifrit let out a low chuckle.
"You know, I'm told that all the time. But I've never really understood it. You're from another world, right? What's it like?"
"People can be confusing and violent..."
Ifrit chuckles with a nod, understandingly.

"You have other brothers too; aside from Alastor, Malthus and Valec?" Zero asked, trying to push any strange topics aside.
Ifrit frowned, tilting his head.
"Three others. Amon, Belial and Rahab... they're away currently, no skin off my nose," Ifrit sighed.
"Oh, do you not get on well?" Zero hummed.
Ifrit pondered slightly," I suppose you could say that, Amon was banished to the Chasm of Oblivion by our father."
"A demon being banished by another demon," Zero raised an eyebrow," Can't say I've heard that one before."
Ifrit puffed his cheeks slightly, before his eyes widened.
"I have an idea~! I think you'll love it, Zero!" He giggled.
Before Zero could ask, Ifrit swiftly grabbed the entity's hand; interlocking fingers with him. He pulled Zero along the corridor, the scent of roses practically shoved up the entity's nose at this point. Compared to the smells of the manor it was nice. Not to mention Ifrit's grip was warm and comforting; he was much more welcoming than the vampires of the estate. Not to say that Ifrit wasn't weird, just that he was much easier. Hell, was that even the right word? They walked into a grand room, reserved for balls. Clearly, it hadn't been used in a long time; every surface was practically caked in dust and spiderwebs. Yet the way the moon shone on the threads of the webs was gorgeous, and the roof above was made from glass. A place for dancing under the stars. How romantic.

Ifrit smiled, letting go of Zero's hand and walking to a record player. He gently lent over, grabbing a disk from a shelf, blowing the gathering dust off it; setting the disk in and the needle on top. It scratched to a start, the gorgeous yet mysterious music humming its melody. Ifrit walked over, with an elegant flourish; his clothing swaying slightly as he held his hand out to the entity.
"May I have this dance~?"
Zero's face slightly tinted a shade of red, gulping and taking his hand. Ifrit immediately pulled the entity in. One hand on Zero's, the other resting on his back; Zero putting his other hand on Ifrit's shoulder.
"I'll lead, don't you worry~" Ifrit winked, dreamily lulling them around to the music.
Zero couldn't tell if it was his charm or something else doing it to him. The way the stars shone on him; illuminating each alluring feature. Ifrit noticed this, giving him yet another vulphine smirk; his gorgeous purple eyes shining. Zero could see himself in his reflection. God...he hated how easily he was falling for this demon's charm. Ifrit let out a soft chuckle, spinning the entity before pulling him back into his embrace and continuing the dance. The smell of roses was strong, but not choking.
"You're good~" Ifrit giggled, leading.
"Don't lie..." Zero muttered, embarrassed.
"I never lie, my darling~"

"God...why are you doing this to me..." Zero mumbled.
"Whatever do you mean~?" Ifrit hummed, twirling Zero so his back was pressed against the demon's torso.
"You know what you're doing, don't you?" Zero muttered, clenching his teeth together.
"Oh, is this flustering you? It's just an innocent dance~ how dirty of you. So, you really are an erotica," Ifrit winked, twirling Zero so they were back in the previous formation.
The music finished, scratching to a stop. Zero was so close to Ifrit he could practically feel the demon's breath against him, his warmth radiating from his body. Ifrit's gaze did not leave his eyes, it was a sort of longing.
"What are you--?"
Ifrit pulled in, gently kissing Zero on his lips. Zero closed his eyes, for some reason not pulling away; Ifrit's hands gently sliding down onto his waist. Why didn't he resist? Ifrit kissed so tenderly, for the prince of lust he was gentle. Zero wrapped his arms over Ifrit's neck, he was so warm and soft. They pulled away, Ifrit's eyes softening slightly.
"Want to spend the night with me?" Ifrit practically whispered.
Zero paused, staring at the demon. He shook his head, pulling away.
"I... can't..."
"Goodnight, Ifrit..."
The demon watched curiously as the entity stormed off, away; bidding goodnight. It was strange. Nobody had ever declined Ifrit before when he used his charm. So why was he different? A slight blush crept over Ifrit's face, as he stood alone; the night cascading over him.

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