-31: Into the Catacombs of the Church-

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The next night was cold and crisp, Zero could practically smell the danger in the air. It was as clear as the moon, though covered in a slightly foggy sky.
"What are we looking for exactly?" Cassius raised an eyebrow, each walking together in the church graveyard.
"I'm not really sure," Raoul frowned," An entrance of some kind? A trapdoor?"
Zero looked down at the damp soil and shuddered. Virgil immediately skipped to the entity's side, untying one of his sashes.
"Here, you're cold?" Virgil smiled, draping it over his shoulders.
"Oh, thanks."
Virgil tilted his head and smiled. He skipped away again, patting a tombstone on his way. Zero clutched onto the material, surprised at it's warmth. Cassius let out a loud huff, setting his lantern down on top of a tombstone.
"I knew it," He snapped," There's nothing here. Your men led us astray, Virgil."
Virgil stopped, glaring at Cassius.
"They're not my men, and they did no such thing! Something is amiss here."
Cassius scoffed," Something is always amiss when it comes to you."
Virgil's lips peeled back in a snarl, Zero stepped back, alarmed.
"You complain too much, doctor."
"And you talk too much, puppet master."
Raoul watched the exchange with resigned eyes," Not now, please."
The two men blatantly ignored him, too busy glaring at each other.
"We're wasting time!" Zero cleared his throat.
Virgil shifted from foot to foot, abashed," So sorry, my dear. His crankiness must have gotten to me."
Cassius rolled his eyes.

Zero studied the church, trying to map out its architectural plans in his head. This didn't make sense. The entrance had to be outside. Then it hit him.
"Of course!" Zero exclaimed, capturing each of their attentions," We haven't found it because we're in the wrong area! We should be looking in the old graveyard, the one for the clergy."
Raoul opened the gate with a nod, everyone slinking into the old graveyard and studying each tombstone with care. Until, they reached a large mausoleum. Each part of the dusted stones was carved into a magnificent piece of art.
"I think this is the entrance," Zero frowned.
"Really?" Cassius raised an eyebrow," It doesn't look like it's been opened in years."
Zero nodded, confidently," The entrance has to be about two hundred feet from the south wall of the cellar. We were looking east before."
Virgil and Cassius' gaze both seemed skeptical, yet Raoul made his way to its doors.
"There's a slight problem," Raoul sighed," We don't have a key."
Virgil studied the padlock," Please! This is my time to shine!"
The puppet master pulled out a small cloth bundle, unwrapping it, revealing thin tools.
"You seriously have a lock-picking kit?" Zero deadpanned.
"Indeed! I always carry one on me. Let's hope our occupants do not mind the intrusion."
Virgil whistled a tune happily as he worked, compared to Raoul, who muttered a prayer for forgiveness under his breath.
"Just a little twist and...there!"
Virgil pushed the chains loose and the door opened.

Cassius stepped in first, holding the lantern high. Only a cold darkness and a large sarcophagus greeted them inside. Virgil heaved a sigh, twirling in a circling.
"It's like every other mausoleum I've been in--cold, dusty and boring."
Zero grimaced, it definitely was cold. However, there was something odd.
"It actually isn't that dusty?" Zero muttered," If it hasn't been open in years, then why is there so little dust?"
Virgil swiped a finger across the wall, studying it.
"Hmmm...the lovely lad makes a good observation."
Raoul set his lantern on the ground, Zero noticing scuff marks on the floor. Raoul ran his finger over the marks.
"These are both old and fresh," He stated.
Virgil placed an ear on top of the sarcophagus.
"So, something tells me this fancy coffin is empty!" Virgil scoffed," Shall we move it aside and take a little peek?"
Cassius shrugged, rolling up his sleeves," Might as well."
Cassius, Raoul and Virgil audibly groaned in effort as they heaved the sarcophagus to the side. Inside, revealed a narrow staircase leading down into the darkness was unveiled.
Virgil crowed with delight, smacking Cassius on the arm," Ha! See? My friends weren't lying to me!"
Cassius steadfastly ignored Virgil and grabbed his lantern.
"I'll go first. The puppet master can bring up the rear."
"I have a name, you know..."

Zero stuck close to Raoul as they followed Cassius, Virgil humming behind the entity

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Zero stuck close to Raoul as they followed Cassius, Virgil humming behind the entity. The passage looked old, yet well maintained. This had to have been built by vampires. The passage widened into a large cavernous space and branched off into three different directions.
Virgil chuckled, nervously," Well, this isn't ominous at all."
Cassius turned to Raoul, "We'll cover more ground if we split up."
The priest gave a solemn expression," I knew you'd suggest that. Here take this so you don't get lost."
Zero watched as Raoul set a small chunk of chalk into the vampire's hand.
"Mark the walls as you go. And don't go too far. Try to come back here in fifteen minutes." We don't know how big this place is."
"I'll go with the good doctor!" Virgil giggled.
Cassius scowled, yet didn't argue; he glanced at Zero before turning to the far right passage.
"Don't lose your bearings, puppet master."
Virgil hurried after Cassius, skipping happily; as though he were in paradise. Raoul smiled, handing Zero a chunk of chalk.
"Shall we?"

Despite having a lantern, the darkness seemed to grow more oppressive the deeper they ventured in. Zero marked the corners, trying to remain level headed. The light went out, the entity bumping into Raoul.
"Zero, are you alright?"
"Y-Yeah, what's wrong with the lantern?"
Raoul fiddled with the light.
"That's really odd. I just replaced the fuel before we set out. Oh well, let me see if I can get this lantern working again."
After a few minutes, the lantern finally manages to illuminate yet again.
"Aha! There we go!"
Their footsteps echoed as they continued on down the passage. Zero marked the walls as they turned down another passage. The coldness of the passage was slightly unsettling, Zero decided to talk to Raoul to take his mind off it.
"Raoul," Zero muttered," I was thinking earlier about how well-maintained these passages are. It's clearly well-traveled, but by who and why?"
The entity paused, awaiting Raoul's answer, yet it was eerily quiet.
Zero turned around, but Raoul was not there. He gulped, trying to ignore the squirming fear in his stomach.
"Raoul? Are you there?"
Zero retraced his steps, feeling anxiety crush him like an anvil. The entity paused, straining to see beyond the light of the lantern. Down the passage, was a figure. The face was hidden in the shadows, yet its posture was familiar to the entity. It wasn't Raoul or the others. Zero gasped, the lantern shaking in his grip. The figure didn't move, but the more Zero looked, the more convinced he was that the figure was in fact Hikari Michaelis.
"Hikari!" Zero yelled, gritting his teeth; a little annoyed at the girl for doing this.
The entity ran towards her, holding the lantern high.
"Hikari! What are you doing here? You're not supposed to-"
Suddenly, a cold hand gripped the back of the entity's neck, pulling him to a stop.
"Hello, creature. I've been waiting for you."
Zero's vision began to blur. Whose voice was that? He opened his mouth to scream, but the darkness was too overwhelming, and he fell.

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