-38: The Wesan Waltz-

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The thrumming of the clock echoed gently through the halls. Zero watched as vampires moved onto the dance floor, their masks glittering as they danced and swayed. Zero hung back, uncertain what to do. He was too late. He'd just have to wait for the next one. Behind him, was an oily voice, startling the entity.
"That outfit is far too nice for you. Aloysius really went above and beyond for one outsider."
Zero turned to scowl at Hadrian. Hadrian's lips curved into a smirk.
"Now, now, don't glare at me like that. Where are your manners?"
He grabbed the entity by the elbow, pulling Zero onto the dance floor.
"You're dancing with me."
"I don't-"
Hadrian bared his teeth, Zero gulped, clamping his mouth shut. The entity felt his scales crawl where Hadrian's touch lingered. They moved into the centre of the dance floor, Hadrian's grip was tight and unyielding.
"I would step carefully if I were you. The blood moon is almost upon us," Hadrian hummed," We may be surrounded by finery and glamour, but you're standing in a pit of vipers."
Aloysius was right, Hadrian liked the sound of his own voice too much. Maybe I can get information out of him?

"I really don't see why I have to be in this 'pit of vipers', as you call it," Zero sighed," What's this masquerade ball for, anyway?"
Hadrian snorted in a mock surprise," Why, it's for you!"
Hadrian twirled the entity with a smug smirk," Oh, Lord Aloysius didn't tell you? We're celebrating your very presence amongst us. You, a descendant of the Mother!"
Zero had a sinking feeling that was the case. Clearly Aloysius lied about Hikari wanting Zero as a guest, it was just fuel to his plan. Zero's stomach churned with fear.
"The Mother?" Zero played dumb.
"Our most beloved progenitor, the one who created vampires. You've got her unholy blood in you, outsider, and we need it."
Zero scanned the crowd, noticing with unease how the vampires watched him.
"Why?" Zero brought his tone down, practically whispering.
"To stop the Lesser Vampires, of course! On the night of a blood moon...only a sacrifice of the Mother's blood can suppress a Lesser Vampire's madness for another five hundred years. And there are so many Lesser vampires who need it. One drop alone won't do."
Zero groaned, the last sentence ringing in his head. Hadrian snickered, letting him go.
"Farewell, boy. Your time is almost up."
The vampire was gone between one blink and the next. I'm a sacrifice?

Zero looked up at the grand staircase, noticing Aloysius. His cold eyes scanned the dancers below. He didn't seem to pay Zero any attention at all, in fact most of his gaze remained in a far corner of the room. Zero turned to look, perplexed. The entity nearly fell back, spotting the figure. Nils. He stood there elegantly, speaking with Hadrian in a hushed tone; in a gorgeous attire with a spider web spun mask. Of course. The conversation he'd heard Nils having back in the manor. It was Hadrian! All this time. They had always planned for him to be the sacrifice. The question that lingered in the entity's mind was how Aloysius and Hikari fit in with the puzzle. Before Zero could doubt himself, the hall doors flew open with a loud bang, startling the vampires. A colourful group of dancers, acrobats, and jugglers swept into the hall as the orchestra swelled with a jovial tune. Small confetti rained down from the ceiling. Zero scanned the room, seeing Virgil jump off a strongman's shoulders, waving a blue sash. He too was dressed elaborately, with a jester mask over his face. The jewels encrusted into his belt and bracelets reminded the entity of stained glass. Virgil intercepted Zero, grinning, his mismatched eyes danced with glee.
"Come, my dear. Let us finally be free of this place," He whispered.
Virgil grabbed the entity by the wrist, whisking him off, as they hurriedly sped towards the door. Suddenly, Hadrian's cold voice rang out through the hall, silencing the vampires.
"Just where do you think you're going with our sacrifice!?"

Virgil froze just in front of the door, his grip tightened on the entity's wrist.
"No..." Virgil cursed," Not him..."
Zero turned around, twisting in Virgil's frozen arms. The crowd parted for Hadrian, who glared daggers at Virgil's back.
"Well?" Hadrian scoffed," No word of greeting, brother?"
BROTHER!? He called Virgil, brother!? So Virgil is a vampire?
Hadrian snickered," My lord, may I have the pleasure of greeting my long-lost brother?"
Aloysius appeared next to Hadrian, studying Virgil.
"Do what you will."
Hadrian advanced with a devilish smile.
"How nice of you to join us, Virgil."
Virgil let go of Zero, slowly turning around to face the oily vampire.
"Hadrian," Virgil trembled," I'd have thought Aloysius would have kicked you out of his courts decades ago."
"Still impudent as ever, brother. Why don't you take off that mask? I wonder what your eye looks like now."
The crowd shuffled and parted as two vampires pushed out Raoul and Cassius. Hadrian frowned at Cassius," Odd. A Lesser vampire yet you remain unaffected by the bloodlust. You must have done the unspeakable, then."
Gasps and whispers of outrage broke out from the watching vampires.

Aloysius stepped forward, eyeing the three men.
"I must applaud you all for your audacious attempt to steal our sacrifice. That's a strong cloaking spell of yours, priest. Hadrian, you may--"
Without a warning, Cassius threw himself at Aloysius, hands curled into claws. Virgil moved next, swiping at Hadrian. The vampires seemed to close in on them, Raoul trying to hold them back with light magic. Zero whirled around, coming face-to-face with Hadrian.
"This has been fun, but even games like this grow old!" He hissed," You're coming with me, outsider!"
A figure flashed between them, blocking Zero's view.
"I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET, YOU BASTARD!" Virgil roared, trying to scrape off Hadrian's flesh with his nails.
Hadrian looked livid," You surprise me, brother! When did you start caring about outsiders!?"
"I always did! You just could never comprehend compassion for anyone different than yourself!"
Hadrian forced out a cold laugh," You may fool others, but you will never escape the truth, Virgil! You have your vile mother's empathy, but our father's sadism! Has this outsider seen that dark side of yours, Virgil!? That monstrous, hateful part of you that--!"

With a growl, Virgil lunged forward. The two collided with a terrible sound that shook the ground. Hadrian ducked Virgil's punch, running his claw through the puppet master's chest. Virgil shouted, teeth gritting with pain as crimson oozed from the wound.
"Your time with humans has made you soft!" Hadrian yelled," How disappointing!"
Virgil stumbled into the entity's arms, bleeding out. Zero's eyes clouded with tears, before the vampire's gushing wounds.
"Zero..." Virgil croaked,"...Run..."
Hadrian grinned, madly, taking a step forward.
"STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" Zero screamed, pulling Virgil away from the cruel vampire.
A loud growl ripped through the hall as Aloysius threw Cassius against the wall.
"THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!" Aloysius roared," My esteemed guests, you now have free reign over these three trespassers! Leave the outsider unharmed, we need him!"
Raoul held his medallion high above his head, chanting.
"NO!" Hadrian howled.
The vampire lunged for Raoul, but Virgil swiftly kicked his foot out, tripping him.
"Take that...brother..." Virgil groaned.
As Hadrian landed, he screamed in anger, digging his fangs into the priests ankle. Raoul gasped, being slammed onto the floor, the medallion slipping out from his grip.
"GET HIM!" Hadrian roared at the vampires.
They ran over to Zero, the entity trying to beat them off, but it was no good. They restrained him by his arms and legs, carrying him away.

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