|•|Prologue |•|

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"Hide here, quickly! I don't want him to find you, he likes searching my room you see..."

"He searches it? Why?"

"I'm not well."

"You're sick?"

"Mmm, sick. It sucks being sick, doesn't it? Not allowed outside. Not allowed to play games. I miss it."

"But didn't you find me outside?"

"...yes, I did..."

"So you broke the rules?"

"Hehe! Yes! I'm very good at that! I'm good at picking locks! Escaping! Planning...hmmmm..."

"What's wrong?"

"Oh... it's nothing, just a thought. A very nice thought. I liked it very much."

"Haha, you're quite a scatterbrain, aren't you?"

"Scatterbrain..? Daddy said my brain is normal, so did the doctors...I wonder what's wrong with it? Do you know why I'm scatterbrained?"

"Heh, er, it's a phrase..."


"Yeah, it's sorta like, uhhh; ah I got it! It's like when you're supposed to be focused but gets distracted and forgets and looses concentration...oh c'mon don't give me that look!"

"Just, get in the wardrobe. Before I become even more 'scatterbrained'."

"You meanie."

"I'm glad. Now, in."


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"Games...all she wants to do is play, pointless games," the deep voice grumbled, running his hand through his emerald, green hair.
"And there's an issue?" a higher, flirtatious voice smirked.
"Yes, I understand where Glitch is coming from. With all do respect for our leader, she has a tendancy to not do what is required of her. I suppose you're similar in that remark, Agma," the harsh voice spat; twiddling a lot cigarette in-between his index and middle finger.
"Akumu, I trust you dealt with the issue," Agma sighed, unimpressed.
"Being the portal she created..." Agma rolled his eyes, clicking his tongue.
"Ah, that. No."
"What do you mean, 'no'?"
"I mean exactly what I meant."
Glitch furrowed his eyebrows.
"So, explain why."
Akumu stared at the rabbit male with a smirk playing on his features.
"I thought it'd be obvious. Aren't you stronger than me, oh feared demon?"
"Enlighten me. I dare you."

Akumu sighed, spitting out his cigarette onto the table; leaning his chin on both hands.
"Simple, we have a guest."
"A guest."
Glitch's eye twitched.
"Who is this 'guest'."
"Zero Zillion."
Glitch raised his eyebrows, staying silent and Agma smirked, a little amused.
"What, as in, this domain."
"Meaning that we will-"
"Yes, we'll get to show Zero just how cruel this world is."

"This will cause issues though. Our leader none the less will find out Zero's getting to the truth and throw a tantrum; these tantrums have a tendency to summon her bloodlines foolish curse," The jester frowned, slamming his card deck on the table.
"Which is why we won't let her."
"Sorry? What?"
Glitch smirked.
"She's oblivious. My history with the girl is evident of that, though cruel to us, we respond to her with the same... what's the word-? Ah, right. Revenge."
There was a laugh from the far corner of the dimly lit room, the laugh was feminine and familiar, with a strange, distorted pitch.
"Suma. Something amusing?" Glitch huffed.
"She'll want to play her games."
"And you'll help her. Won't you?"
"Hmmmmm. Yes. Yes, I too enjoy games. Won't you play your own, Glitch?"
"Yes. But first, let me set the scene."

Trails of intertwined stars: Chapter 6Where stories live. Discover now