Obi-Wan: Well, whatever it is we just have to stop them whatever's in that cave.

Anakin: Okay, time to make a plan. (Chewie growls)

Y/N: Chewie as much as we would appreciate your help we can't have you or your people get involved with this war. We also don't want Dooku to know that a Wookie was helping us. So, from here you can head back.

Ahsoka: (Chewie growls) Thanks Chewie. You did enough for us already. (Chewie growls & he walked away) All right, what's the plan?

Anakin: Well, we just really need to cause a big explosion. We know that we won't be able to get in since they have the whole place heavily guarded.

Y/N: Which means if we blow them up we can just easily get in the cave quickly.

Obi-Wan: Are we really going to do this? We were supposed to sneak in there.

Y/N: Master Kenobi, when you're with us, there's no such thing as sneaking in.

Ahsoka: As much as I hate to say it... he's right.

Obi-Wan: So, who's going to handle with the bombs.

Anakin: Well, the two fastest people we have right here can handle it. (looks at Y/N & Ahsoka)

Y/N: Of course...

Ahsoka: Should've seen that one coming.

Y/N: Well, you ready?

Ahsoka: Yeah.

Y/N: Go!

Y/N and Ahsoka ran out of the bushes and they started running around the whole area while throwing bombs. But the droids were able to notice them but they were moving way too fast. Y/N and Ahsoka jumped back into the bushes and the bombs all exploded as it destroyed all of the droids even including the tank.

Y/N: Let's move!

Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan all ran into the cave as they all had their lightsabers activated getting ready for a fight. There were a few battle droids that came running towards them as they started shooting at them. Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan were deflecting the lasers back at the battle droids as a few were taken out.

Ahsoka jumped as Y/N used the Force and boosted her as she did a tornado attack with her dual-lightsabers taking out most of the droids that were standing in their way.

Obi-Wan: Impressive.

Anakin: I taught them that.

Y/N followed and he started cutting down each droid down with his speed. Anakin and Obi-Wan also did the same. As they reached to the other room where the bright light was coming from they saw a giant machinery that was gathering materials for the Separatists.

Y/N: Well, I guess we found our machinery that needs to be destroyed.

Ahsoka: Even the materials.

???: Ah, it appears you found me.

Anakin: Dooku!

Dooku: Settle down, Skywalker.

Anakin: We know your plans, Dooku. You're getting all of these materials for your weapon that you're making.

Dooku: You are correct.

Anakin: Y/N, Ahsoka, deal with the machine. We'll take care of, Dooku.

Y/N: On it!

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