Just another day/Western Front: Beachhead

Start from the beginning

I attempted to move and sit upright, but my body refused to, every time I pushed myself to get up unassisted I was met with a sharp pain in my side . . .

. . . It seems whomever it was that brought me here removed the enormous piece of shrapnel buried into my side . . . It was likely . . . V . . . Vestal? Yes, Vestal, I should thank her.

I notice that my memory is still a bit groggy . . . and my mind is clouded, I can't think clearly.

. . . It seems I may need some rehabilitation . . .

I hear someone open the door. I look to see someone I haven't seen before, or at least don't remember seeing. It was a destroyer of some sort from what I could see . . . But, with odd clothing, the letters IMC on the sleeve of her jacket. I don't know what it is . . . her affiliation maybe? I don't remember Azur Lane having any . . . IMC?

She was doing something on a tablet of some sort, but of a make and model I've never seen.

She then noticed I was here, and visibly awake. She smiled a warm smile.

???: Oh! Mrs. Hood! You're awake! I'll go get vestal right away!

She rushed out esthetically.

I still wonder how Vestal managed to heal me . . . or well, treat me at least. W-wait-

I notice two large holes in the wall near me, just to the right of the door. I see Enterprise and Cleveland in a similar state as me. Cleveland noticed me and attempted to wave, but ended up freezing in pain and dropping her hand.

How was Vestal able to repair everyone?

Vestal walked in through the door . . . Though it seemed . . . comedic almost, since the giant hole was next to it.

Vestal: Good morning Hood. Did you sleep well?

I attempted to speak, but my voice was a bit scratchy.

Hood: I-I d-don't . . . W-how?

I pointed towards the hole the best I could.

Vestal: Oh . . . I see you've noticed the holes in my walls. Sorry, I haven't gotten around to getting them fixed yet.

Hood: W-what h-happ-ened?

Vestal seemed exhausted.

Vestal: *Sigh* It's a . . . long story, to say the least. I'm not even sure what happened myself. We were all being annihilated by the Axis and their air power, having lost most of our carriers during the opening wave of bombers, and then a Lone Fighter with a crown-like butterfly insignia showed up and destroyed the majority of the Axis' aircraft, taking away  their air superiority. It even managed to take out an Aerial Dreadnought . . .

Hood: A-an Aerial D-dreadnought?!

A single fighter . . . a siren aerial dreadnought? Is this what the voice was talking about?


???: Ahh . . . It seems my new host is awake.

I jolt in fright, but am immediately halted by intense pain, my injuries still seem to be recovering.

Vestal: Are you alright Hood?!

She rushed towards me.

Hood: I-I'm fine. It's nothing . . .

Vestal: Well, alright then. I'll run a few checks to see if you can get up on your feet again. Everything should at least be somewhat functional . . .

???: So, you gonna talk or what? I know you're just ignoring the disembodied voice in your head from fear that you've gone insane but come on!

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