Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 3 (New-ish)

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Imperial Guard Vehicles Continued

2,000 Stormhammer MBTs/Superheavy Tanks (for those who want more Baneblade on their Baneblade, essentially it is two double barrel main Baneblade turrets mounted on the same Chassis, normally at least)

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2,000 Stormhammer MBTs/Superheavy Tanks (for those who want more Baneblade on their Baneblade, essentially it is two double barrel main Baneblade turrets mounted on the same Chassis, normally at least)

2,000 Stormhammer MBTs/Superheavy Tanks (for those who want more Baneblade on their Baneblade, essentially it is two double barrel main Baneblade turrets mounted on the same Chassis, normally at least)

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10,000 Gorgon Transports, basically 40k WWII landing craft. Since it is 40k it is also lightly armed for an Imperial Vehicle.

Aircraft (IMC, Astartes, and Imperial Guard, in my own lore, Imperial Guard aircraft can operate in and out of atmosphere, as dual purpose strike craft)(Also includes all aircraft types on the Texas, but those are already in a List on the "Bio pt. 1", just assume that Gancaster Carries a couple thousand of each type.

 1", just assume that Gancaster Carries a couple thousand of each type

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10,000 Valkyrie Drop ships (Essentially the Imperial Guards Pelican)

10,000 Valkyrie Drop ships (Essentially the Imperial Guards Pelican)

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