Scarab Troubles (New-ish)

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"When they call upon the Emperor in battle, it is to witness the deeds of men and to judge the fallen"-Vice Admiral Trenton Xeytan, Commanding officer of battlegroup Lanius.

For those wondering why the Imperium uses UNSC/IMC and 40k Imperial tanks, it is simply a matter of purpose and tactical advantage. UNSC/IMC tanks are better at Urban combat, being quad-treaded and more maneuverable the their 40k counterparts, and are best used in places that haven't been touched by the death Korps, meaning no extensive trench lines, since those are a nightmare for quad-treads. 40k Imperial tanks are not restricted by this and can be used anywhere, due to their design of rhomboid dual treads, but are slower than the UNSC/IMC tanks, and are better suited for attrition warfare and are mainly useful for heavy conflict and sieges. The two tank categories are mostly interchangeable though.


???: When the wind howls, in the dead of night, who else is there in the shadows? Always watching, always waiting for the perfect moment. Are they friend or foe? Do the mistakes of the past haunt us? Or does the promise of the future guide us? In the end, only man may decide, knowingly or not, and when they inevitably walk into the fire of their own mistakes, regret and remorse may take hold of them. Should they succumb to the desperate pleas, they have no right to call themselves a man. A true Imperial lives without regret, and yet here we are . . . Isolated, alone, and crippled . . . And we remain unbroken and faithful, until the end . . . Whilst we stand, we fight, whilst we fight, we prevail, and whilst we prevail, we stand. Look upon the works of the Emperor and tremble . . .

For we are your doom.

Le small timeskip


I am currently traveling with the combat droid squad from earlier. Haven't run into any enemies yet, surprisingly, but I have a feeling that it isn't going to last. The battle in the sky is still raging, battlegroup Lanius hasn't lost any ships yet, and Imperial troops are still attempting to regroup at the FOB at the Hope's crash site. Some are engaged at the moment, but since we have frigates providing fire support, along with defending the FOB, it should be fine.

Y/n: Hey! How much longer till we get to the nearest allied LZ?

GCD/Greenhorn command Droid: Not long sir, an hour at most. It should be three klicks beyond this ridge.

A flight of three C712 GA-TL1 (C12 is the variant optimized for in atmospheric operation) Longswords pass over us, firing at something on the other side of the ridge.

A flight of three C712 GA-TL1 (C12 is the variant optimized for in atmospheric operation) Longswords pass over us, firing at something on the other side of the ridge

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(C712 GA-TL1 Longsword)

We then hear gunfire as we begin to cross the ridge, me and the squad of Greenhorn Combat droids look at each other and double time it to the top of the ridge, the sound of gunfire getting closer and closer the farther up the ridge we get. When we finally reach the top, the sight at the bottom of the ridge would make a non-Imperial feint. Tyrranids charging several Imperial positions, lots, and lots, of tyrranids. Not only that, but they seem to be devouring banished forces too. Seems like whatever deal the Crimson Axis somehow made with the 'nids is off now. I also see several banished Scarabs, which were what the longswords from earlier were firing at. There is a Paris-Class frigate moving over the battlefield and opening fire on the Tyrranids, ignoring the banished Scarabs. Smart choice, right now the Nids are the more dangerous enemy.

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