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Valt sat on the sofa, engrossed in a Greek Mythology book, thinking he finally had some peace.

But, of course, that will never happen to him. Three knocks disrupted his peacefulness, and he sighed with annoyance before reluctantly placing his book down and heading to the door.

Opening it, he was taken aback to find three older men in sharp black suits with rather intrigued expressions.

He muttered to himself, "Why in the world is the FBI paying me a visit?"

With a polite yet awkward smile, Valt greeted them, "Good morning, gentlemen. Is there some kind of problem? I think there might be a misunderstanding."

The first man cleared his throat, "Well, it seems that someone at this address recently called an illegal factory operation and attempted to purchase Trinitrotoluene or TNT."

Valt couldn't help but internally scream in frustration, muttering to himself, "Maybe there's no misunderstanding after all."


"I the Demon King, proudly unveil my masterpiece for today's breakfast-a special omelet," Bell declared with a smug grin. He seasoned the eggs with sugar, oil, and chocolate, adding a touch of flour for texture.

Pri's face contorted in terror. "B-but this is a chocolate cake!"

Undeterred, Bell beamed with a triumphant smile. "A chocolate-flavored omelet, then!"


Hikaru, backed against the wall, trembled in fear, beads of sweat streaming down his face while enduring this nightmare

Facing him, an embodiment of evil emerged from the abyss-Harry the Hedgehog.

"I-I should let y-you know, I read a b-book on jiu-jitsu," he stammered, pulling a jiu-jitsu book from his back. "I w-won't hesitate to throw it at y-you," he threatened, more like a desperate bluff.

Harry, confused by the unfolding drama, found satisfaction in witnessing the despair coating this frightened, blue porcupine. Finally, someone acknowledged his power and the terror he brought.


"You stole my glitters, didn't you?" Drum accused, pointing his fingers at Lui.

Lui didn't look impressed; his usual scowling face said it loud and clear, "Why would I steal it? I already have a sparkling personality."


Aiga and Phi locked eyes in a tense silence, the atmosphere was heavy with unspoken words, creating an uncomfortable tension.

As minutes dragged on without a single word, Phi's irritation grew. "What's wrong with you?"

Aiga responded with a nonchalant shrug. "I don't know, but I'm sure it can be traced back to you."


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