Random | LOL

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"Ahhhhh!" Hikaru scream in horror as the hedgehog named Harry chase him all over the house.

"Hahahaahhahah" Bell is laughing so hard and Valt look at him.

"Did you do this?" Valt ask and Bell shake his head.

"No" Bell reply between his laughs

"Then why are you laughing?" Valt ask again suspiciously

Bell wipe the joy of tears coming out on his eyes "Because, whoever did it, is a genius!" He said and continue laugh while enjoying Hikaru's suffering.

From afar, Hyuga is chuckling secretly.


"Hyuga, do you know what you stole from me?" Lane ask quietly.

"You heart?" Hyuga guess while smiling mischievously

Lane eyes tick in annoyance "No, it's harry!" He angrily pointed

Hyuga rub his head sheepishly.


Aiga punch Phi with strong force on his arm.

"Ouch" Phi wince in pain.

Aiga looks towards Phi in surprise

"Whoops. Wrong guy" Aiga said causally and leave immediately

Phi's eyes twitch dangerously "Huh!? What you mean 'wrong guy'!?" He shout in anger but Aiga just shrug it off.


"You're up early, Hikaru" Drum pointed instead of greeting him.

Hikaru look at him straight in the face and you could see the heavy eye bags he had "Bold of you assume I slept"


Aiga just fall off a roof, crashing into the bed of the pick up truck that is moving and the timing perfect.

"Hello, Aiga " Hikaru greet, not taking off his eyes off the road while he's concentrating driving.

Aiga sit causally. "Hey" He greet back and breath in relief.

Valt who witness the whole scene doesn't know if he should feel angry or scared. What' happened? Well, Aiga just escape from his grasp and Hikaru back him up and now they're running away from him.


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