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"Hyuga, Deers can't talk" Hikaru pointed out and Hyuga disagree by shaking his head

"Excuse me" The deer spoke out of nowhere.




hu is minding his own business until a axe flew into his direction, he quickly catch it with ease

"Real mature, Aiga" He said sarcastically

Aiga snort, a playful smile decorate his lips "Oh please, you never threw an axe when you're at my age" he taunt the albino

Shu smirk, crimson eyes glow dangerously "Of course I did, I never missed." with that he throw the axe back to Aiga's direction, his smile fell off.

The axe hit the wall, a small trickle of blood fell, it appears the axe hit a mosquito. Aiga whistle in amazement and Shu smile proudly


"THE FLOOR IS HATING MOMMY VALT!" Bell shout out of nowhere

In the blink of eye, Aiga jumps onto the counter, Drum latches onto the freaking ceiling light, Hyuga climb into the top of refrigerator, Hikaru dive onto coffee and Bell jumps onto the couch.

Valt sigh and drops himself onto the floor



"How come whenever I have fun, it's consider wrong?" Aiga ask in grumble.

Valt glare at him, "People die when you have fun"


Valt sigh and put his hands on his hips "What did I tell you about calling Phi the devil?"

Aiga trailed of, "That it's offensive to the Devil?"


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