Random | Airport

249 27 28

inspired by: Jeenie.Weenie


As a reliable person and has a driver license, Valt is the perfect candidate for Terumi Asahi to ask for to pick up his son in the airport.

The bluenette is seen driving a car in the middle of traffic, a frown paint of his lips, as he swiftly grab his phone to call a certain.

His phone start to ring, and he put it in a speaker mode because he can't drive while using a phone, he can't afford to get bad records or else his driver license will be taken away.

It only take some few seconds before the person in the other line pick up, the familiar cheerful voice filter through phone.

"Hello, Mommy Valt!"

Valt smile upon hearing Hyuga's voice.

"Hello, Hyuga. How was your flight? Were the flight attendants nice to you?" Valt ask while looking in the car window if the traffic is doing better.

"It was great! And yes, the flight attendants is very nice to me."

The blue haired boy is glad to know that. Hyuga is a minor so he need someone to watch over him.

"I'm glad to hear that. Could you let me talk to one of them? I just wanted to tell that I will be a little late picking you up because of the traffic." Valt request while looking at the clock.

"You can't, they're busy right now"

Valt blink in confusion, " What? Why? They're supposed to right next to you all the time."

"Uhmm they're talking to the police"

That's something Valt didn't expect, hazel brown eyes flash in bewilderment, as he subconsciously tighten the grip of the steering wheel.

"Huh? Why? Is everything ok? What is happening!?" worriedness lacing on his voice, the sound of alarm noise in other line make him on edge.

"The police, firefighter and securities are everywhere"

The answered doesn't give the wonder boy a relief, at least he knows what's happening, but knowing the situation is not enough to ease his anxiety. All he need to do right now is think rationally and calm down

"Don't move right there. I'm almost right there" he strictly order to the rednette. A sigh escape his mouth when the traffic is now gone, he start to drive fast but not fast enough to bump into others car.

"No, you can't come in, the whole airport is on the lockdown"

His heart almost leap in shock, beads of sweat Is now falling down on his head, his breath become is starting to become shaky.

"Why!?" He shout out of confusion and shock, the situation is just getting worse.

"They're looking for someone"


"Me~" Hyuga chirp.

His whole body freeze, It took some time before he register the new knowledge and when he did, Valt is already had to urge to bang his head in the steering wheel and scream in suffering.


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