Random | Stress

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Valt phone's ring and an unknown number pop up. He picked up the phone with confuse face

"Hello?" He greet

"We have your son" The voice in the phone said

That just make Valt more confuse "I don't have a son beside I'm 15" he pointed out

A bewildered noise made in the phone "Then who is this child who ask for peanut butter jelly sandwich and made me cut the crust of the bread because he wouldn't stop crying so loud to the oint my ear would bleed" the kidnapper stress out the last part

Realization hit Valt "Oh my gosh you have Drum!" He exclaim

Drum walks in "I'm here"

Valt paused then exclaim again "Oh my gosh you have Hyuga!"

Hyuga walks in too "I'm here"

Valt blink in surprised "Oh my gosh you have Bell!"

"Please take him" the kidnapper beg


Valt is pushing a large box in front of Delta "I got you something"

Then Drum came out in the box "Hi~!"

Delta sigh exasperatedly "Can I return this"


"Hey Hyuga how was your exam?" Hikaru ask his brother

"It's fine but question 10 confused me" Hyuga admit

"What was the question?" Hikaru ask

Hyuga hum "I think it was... "What is the past tense of 'think?'"

"And I thought... I thought..." Hyuga mumble

"In the end I wrote down 'thinked'!" Hyuga exclaim

Hikaru want to smack his head in the wall


"Would you two please stop fighting" Valt scold Hikaru and Hyuga

Hikaru scoff "We are not fighting! We are having a creative discussion—"

Hyuga cut him off "We are fighting!"

"Creative discussion!"






"I can't believe they are fighting about fighting" Valt said while sighing irritatedly


"Chemistry, more like Che-mystery because I had no idea what's going on" Aiga exclaim

"Calculus, more like Cal-kill-us because every question makes me want to die" Drum cry out

"Biology, more like Bye-ology because I'm out" Hyuga declare

"Math, more like no..." Bell mumble in suffering


"Free Time, Good Sleep, Good Grades" Aiga started

"You can only choose 2 of them" he continue

"Welcome to the life of students" Aiga finished with disappointed stare


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