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Hikaru saw Hyuga and Lane hanging out from afar. A shadow cast from his head as he stare at them silently.

Drum is passing by and saw Hikaru staring intensely from, if looks could kill, the place he's looking at will be certainly incinerate.

"You're really quiet today, Hikaru" Drum bluntly pointed out instead of greeting him.

Hikaru still staring. "Nobody plans murder out loud."


Shu is serious, handsome, dangerous, you do not wanna get on his badside

Valt is kind, cute, everyone can't help but to like him.

Shu always warn people to not mess up with Valt.

One day, Valt is kidnapped for leverage.

And then, Valt turns out to be badass as hell, and beats them all to bloody pulp.

Shu sip his tea in elegance. "I warn all of you"


"I spy with my little eyes, someone need to shut up" Nika said  threateningly

"Is it me?" Aiga ask

Nika glare at him "It's always you"


"We're having a party!" Hyuga said cheerfully

Lane groan in annoyance "What part of 'I hate people' don't you understand"


Drum is T-posing in the doorway. "Greeting parental picture"

"Good morning problem child" Lui said, not looking up.


"Caffeine is no longer gives me the rush I need so I have Valt periodically texting me 'I know what you did' to give me adrenaline" Aiga explain


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