Random | A 'normal' day

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"How did you realize I was lying?" Hyuga ask in bewilderment to his brother

Hikaru sigh exasperatedly "Ah, well, that part was quite easy. You see, I'm not an idiot. I know you hangout with Lane last night"


"yOu nEeD tO wAsH YoUr dIsHes!" Bell shout

"yOu NeVeR dO yOuRs!" Aiga shout back

"We are adults! Let's settle this maturely." Aiga said to settle down down this argument that make Bell quite

"Rock paper scissors?" Bell ask

Aiga nod "Always"


Hikaru is reading a fortune cookie "A friend will have a good news from you"

Hikaru turn around to face Lane "What's the good news?"

Lane growl "I'm not your friend"

Hikaru stay silent for while until a star of happiness form on his green lime eyes that make Lane confuse

"That's the good news!"


Valt confusingly pick up a crumbled paper "What is this?"

Aiga gain his attention "Oh, that's just my to do list"

Valt was taken aback "Oh good for you! Your being productive! I never thought of that-"

The bluenette cut off on his sentence when he read what the paper said

"It only had 'Kill Phi' on it" Valt read disappointingly


Drum hold up his shoe while giggling in mischievously "I can't hear you, let me put you on sneaker"

"Stop, I hate your puns" Delta said in annoyance


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