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"You are like an ocean" Hyuga told his brother out of nowhere

"... Explain?"  Hikaru ask. Is he because he has blue hair?

"Salty" Hyuga said with straight face expression but internally laughing inside. Bell dare him to do this and it's more funny than he thought when Hikaru look at him with incredulous face


"I thought you are my friend" Bell pout angrily while crossing his arms

"I am. But it is my duty, as a friend, to tell you that you suck at this" Basara pointed out the burnt pancake in the kitchen


"If Watermelon exist, why don't Earthmelon, Firemelon and Airmelon exist?" Hyuga said in the middle of night or precisely 3:00 am

Hikaru groan in frustration, clutching the pillow tightly and shut his eyes in annoyance. "Shut up"

"The Elemelons" and that's the last words Hyuga said before Hikaru throw a pillow on his face in great force


"The stars are beautiful tonight" Delta said while looking from above.

Drum nod "Yeah"

"Do you know what else is beautiful?" Delta ask of nowhere

"What?" Drum ask in confusion, clearly feel strange at his friends odd behavior today

"Me" Delta said with his usual stoic demeanor while hiding his smirk

Drum stare in wonder, he never thought the day would come here he would see Delta's cheeky side


"I'm not in a mood to go outside today" Drum said to himself and was about to lay down on his bed when his phone beep that avert his attention

"There's a Gyrados in the lake!" The Pokemon Go app notification tell him.

Drum is seen putting a scuba gear "Here we go"


"Lane, what do you think about Hyuga Asahi?" Shu ask his disciple.

"My emotional support clown friend " Lane said with poker face and Shu himself not sure what to think on his answer

Hyuga who is listening from afar, beam in happiness when he hear the word 'friend' while his brother Hikaru just feel cringe in this situation.


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