I looked at him and took the glass while thinking about what he said to Jay. I gulped the whole glass of water, and then, with the help of Ohm, I slowly walked to the bed and sat there, leaning my back on the headboard.

Ohm loosened a button on his shirt. He too seemed to be hot and bothered.

"Did you... hear everything?" I asked.

Ohm met my eyes and nodded slowly. "I was going out to buy something to drink when I saw you both talking. I couldn't help myself before I started eavesdropping," he said honestly.

I nodded, feeling flustered.

I won't do the fake lover act. And I won't break the engagement with Ohm. In this world, he is my alpha.

I widened my eyes and looked at Ohm, recalling my last statement to Jay before he lost his mind.

And what I saw made my heart shiver. Ohm was smiling at me with his head tilted to the side, as if he were observing me.

"Wh-what?" I asked, folding my legs up to my chest, trying to hide myself unsuccessfully.

Ohm grinned wide and slid closer to me, keeping a hand on my hands, with which I was tightly gripping my knees. But when Ohm gently rubbed his thumb over it, I relaxed a bit. His scent alone always makes me feel relaxed.

"Let's date."


Ohm pressed his lips before slowly pulling himself closer to me and cupping my face in his palms. "It'd be unfair to us if we kept thinking about a future on Earth and did not live in the present. What if we stay here for the next ten to twenty years?"

I blinked at him, confused.

His thumb gently stroking my cheek, his tender eyes looking through me, his soothing scent surrounding me-I couldn't get enough of everything. But still, I was worried. And that worry might be prominent on my face because Ohm spoke up again. "It's not like we don't like each other, Nanon. What we are on Earth and what we are in this world are two completely opposite things. Still, we are drawn towards each other. And it's not just sexual, right? We worry for each other."

I slowly nodded, widening Ohm's smile. I think I must have smiled briefly too.

I closed my eyes as Ohm leaned closer and touched my temple with his breathing on my face, making my senses completely stable. I melted in his touch, tilting my head to the side in his palm. When I opened my eyes, I could see a light blush on his cheek, which looked so cute from this close.

"We may not love each other, Nanon... But who knows? Maybe one day... we will reach there."He said it with his eyes closed. I closed my eyes again and nodded, and we stayed like this for a while till we both calmed down.


"Gun?" I was surprised, looking at the guy standing in front of me and smiling wide.

"Hi Chimon. How are you?" Gun smiled and walked into the studio.

"I am fine. How are you?"

"I am fine, but I will feel much better if you have dinner with me."

"Ummm... Gun, I already..."

"I know you told me that you love your fiancé and that the breakup is not happening despite the rumours." I said it sternly. I guess my previous polite rejection did not work.

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