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"Uhm doctor what about sex can we mate" phayu asked, rain face heated up. It has been so long they didn't have any intimacy.

"Yes you can, it will be good for rain too, but you should go easy on him not rough sex okay"

"Thanks doctor"

The couple went back home, it was already lunch time, phayu helping the chef to cook something. Rain is still sulking he said phayu shouldn't talk to him today so the alpha just left him in the bedroom...

After sometimes the food is ready. Phayu went up to call rain but the boy has decided to take some scissors and cut phayu clothes because he was angry...

Phayu enters the room to see the scene in front of him

"Omg baby what are you doing this is dangerous, give me the scissors you can hurt yourself" phayu didn't even think about the clothes, he was worried about rain hurting himself the way he was cutting so angrily he could have made a mistake and cut himself instead..

Phayu grabbed the scissors and put it asside, looking at the angry bird in front of him...

"Are you not hurt, baby please don't do this look you cut my clothes" phayu is being the most patient boyfriend ever right now

"But you said to the doctor i was not listening and he scolded me" rain said crying, hitting phayu chest

"Ohoh he didn't scold you baby, I'm sorry did i make you upset" rain nodded

"Sorry na, let's go eat"

"Can i eat street food today" this boy is so cunning

"No baby we already cooked the food"

"See, you do this all the time the doctor said i can" he cries more

"Rain" phayu called in a cold way

"What it's now rain, not baby, love, you don't love me anymore and I'm here swollen getting fat because of your babies" the boy said sobbing

"Oh where this coming from. Jesus, okay let's eat today at home and tomorrow we will go out you can eat anything i promise" he said lifting his face and whipping his tears

"Really you promise don't cheat"

"I promise baby now let's go"

They ate and spend the rest of the day watching movies, rain's mom called they talked for sometimes and cut it short. Rain decided to just send them a text with picture of the ultrasound saying he is pregnant. They were of course happy, rain has a perfect boyfriend.

The next day phayu took him out they went for a walk and eat outside. Rain was literally happy the whole day. Surprisingly the boy didn't make any scenes, so if he's doing what he wants he's happy big smile on his face but when phayu say no it's a big problem.

So he decided to talk about something more serious at least rain is in good state of mind.

"Baby i want to ask you something"

"Yes P'Phayu" rain eating his ice-cream happily like a three years old...

"Do you want to get married now or after you give birth"

"Uhmm better after so we can all start a new journey, right now it will be rush and I'll be so tired " he said

"Okay i was thinking the same too, I'll prepare everything you don't have to worry"

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT [PhayuRain]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora