80. A day away from Qatar

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Biancas pov
the last few weeks has been good for both Pablo and I.
Marriage is challenging but we enjoy it so much.
We spend every single minute of the day together expect when I'm off college and he is at training.
It's a dream life although the world cup is close and boys are really stressed about it.

"Have you packed yet?"
Alina came to hang out and maybe study a little while the boys were at a meeting with the Spanish football team

"Only my things, Pablo has like 2 suitcases only for his football stuff" i laughed

"like he'll need all of them"

"they would like to think that we're going to stay there for a while"

"i really hope they'll do well, Pedri will be very upset in case we get knocked out early"

"tell me about it, they're going to do great"

"when is your dad leaving?"

"Tomorrow, he needs to fly to Argentina first for a few meetings"

"well we need to hurry, world cup is in 5 days"

"i know, crazy"

Pablos pov
All we do the past few days is discuss our strategy and other financial and legal stuff about the world cup.
The fact that the team is worrying more about the planning of the trip rather than the actual game makes me a little concerned but we're ready to face the other countries.

"Hey baby" in fact I did return home late that night


"You shouldn't have stayed up for me" I kissed her forehead.
She was too cute, laying in the couch with a blanket waiting for me.

"well, i thought that we were going to have a pizza night"

It was true, we started having pizza nights a few Fridays ago but i forgot it.

"Yeah, i should have texted you that Xavi kept as a little longer than usual"

"sure" she sounded a little annoyed but didn't want to comment on that because it was my fault

"let's do it tomorrow, shall we?" i smiled at her

"you still need to pack your football stuff you know"

"okay, in the morning, I'm going to spend the night with you though"

"fine, let's go upstairs, I'm so sleepy" she sure is

Biancas pov
We were supposed to live the day after so there was a panic.
Pablo was all morning chatting about the football stuff they were supposed to pack.
They were trying to hard to pack everything together, it was super fun to watch.
While Pablo was trying to figure out what to take with him i stopped by my mum to check on her.
My dad had left earlier that day so she was all by herself, with my brother of course, packing all their things to visit him later.
She was excited i could tell on the other hand my father was nothing but focused.
Later that day, i returned home to find pablo putting our suitcases in the car.

"all ready?"

"finally" he stepped closed and kissed me softly "how is Antonella?"

"fine, she tries to put my brothers in place while my father is in Argentina. 3 sons is tough"

"I find it the ideal, maybe not only sons but 3 is the perfect number"

"Are you talking about our kids?" I laughed and he nodded "there's no way we're having 3 kids!"

"Why not!"

"Because I've experienced having 3 brothers and it's the worst"

"Yeah but I'm talking about kids, our kids"

"Same thing!"

"Not at all" he laughed

"End of the kids discussion"

"For now"

Money- Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now