67. Ibiza

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Biancas pov
We used my family's private jet to get to Ibiza. I was so excited.
Both I and Pablo needed some time to relax and enjoy ourselves.
"So I booked us a hotel room"

"Not a villa?" I gave him my pappy eyes

"I started organizing the trip like 2 days ago so we had only a few options" he explained

"I'm joking, I'm happy with the hotel room"

"Even if it's only 4 stars?"
I looked at him with wide eyes

"I'm joking, of course, I booked a 5-star hotel" he laughed

"So what's the plan?"

"We check in our room and head to the beach then dinner and I have a little surprise to end the day beautifully"

"Sounds lovely" I kissed him excited

Pablos Pov
We left our things in our hotel room and headed to the beach in front of the hotel.
Our hotel was luxurious so the beach was kinda private.
That was positive, I didn't want to face the media at my time off.

"What are you doing?" I noticed that Bianca was taking off her bikini top.

"Tanning, I don't fancy the lines" she laid backward

"I don't fancy other men watching you naked"
Was she crazy?

"Relax baby, the beach is almost empty" she laughed

"Yeah almost, there is a couple a few meters away"

"Pablo, I'm sure that the guy minds only his pair"

"Whatever" I threw her my shirt

"You act like a child" she laughed
It wasn't funny. I went to take a swim and calm down

Biancas Pov
After some hours we returned to the hotel to get ready for our dinner.
When I walked out of the bathroom I saw a package next to my things.
I went closer and opened it to reveal a beautiful white dress.
Pablo was outside talking with his mother on the phone.
The dress was beautiful, was it from him?

"Well, do you like it?" I noticed him on the doorframe looking at me smiling

"It's beautiful"

"Wear it tonight, please"

"Okay," I smiled at him "Wait, what time is our reservation?"


"Pablo, we're going to be late, it's almost 7:30"

"Take your time, I'll find a way, don't worry"
He was so chill, vocations do good to him

Pablos Pov
I was trying to be cool but I was starting to lose my mind.
I was planning something really special and nothing had to go wrong.
Bianca finished getting ready, the restaurant I booked a table called us multiple times because we were late but I begged them to wait and in advance, I would pay them more.
I didn't have time to deal with stupid things, I wanted everything to be perfect.

"You are beautiful" I stepped closer looking down at her smiling

"You look handsome as well, look at you, fancy dressed" she smiled back at me

"I tried my best"

"Shall we go?" She picked up her bag and I nodded

Biancas pov
The restaurant was nice.
It was modern and luxurious but very warm and pretty.

"It's so pretty, thank you for this trip" I held his hand looking around a little

"You deserve it"
We finished eating and talked a little about the World Cup and our families.
According to him, his family liked me and he promised them that we would dine with them someday at the World Cup.
I was glad to hear that they were going to Qatar as well to watch a match or two of Pablos, I knew they were going to boost his confidence a lot.
After our dinner, we headed to the beach to walk a little.
It was a beautiful night, I was feeling grateful.
"I used to come here for holidays a summer or two" he explained


"Yeah, with my friends, my family couldn't afford it but my best friend's family was always glad to take me with them"

"Well, for me, Ibiza wasn't a holiday destination, sadly "

"Yeah like Dubai or Greece wasn't good enough" he teased me

"Stop it, I had fun but not friends to begin with" I laughed

"Are you friend-zoning me?"

"Pablo!" I laughed "I just, really enjoy this type of holiday, you and me, not friends with busy schedules or families with high standards, just us"

"I agree"

"You're my comfort person" I let go of his hand to grab my shoes.
Sand was getting inside them so by taking them off I was more comfortable.

"I want to be more than that" he whispered and I turned around to kiss him but I saw him kneeling in front of me holding a small box.

"Bianca Messi" he revealed a beautiful ring "At first you were the most spoiled, annoying, and selfish person I have met"

"You're stealing spoiled but so much more than that. I'm lucky to have you in my life but will you make me the luckiest and happiest man ever by marrying me?"
He's proposing.

"Oh god, yes, of course I will" I laughed and hugged him. I was the happiest, I couldn't describe how surprised and glad I was.

"Let's go back to the hotel, I want to make love to my fiancé" he smiled

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