10. Guilt

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Biancas pov
Pablo stayed at the mines for a while. The whole situation started to get better, we hired some bodyguards, we contacted the college and asked for extra security and of course not to let the media near the campus. Also, Pablo and Alina got along and we had a great time together.

"Call me if you need a ride to college tomorrow or anything" I hugged her goodbye

"Don't worry about me, take care of yourself" she smiled "Bye Pablo"

"Bye Alina."Pablo said and after the girl left I turned to him smiling "I should go as well"

"Just text me okay?"

"of course, goodnight" He kissed my forehead and left. I went to my dad to thank him for today, he seemed stressed and tired but he didn't want to talk about it.

"So you and Pablo?"He laughed

"what? No!" I lied, I didn't really talk about it with Pablo and I didn't want to make it official to my family without discussing it with him first.

"You're my child, you forget that I know you better than anyone else."

"Okay, fine, I really like him, papa"

"does pedri know?"


"it's your life but you can't keep it from him, you can't. "

"I'll tell him soon, I promise"

"we'll talk about the rest tomorrow but Bianca."He said "Pablo is a good boy"

"I know papa, goodnight." I smiled

"goodnight Bi"


                                                  I told my dad about us...

Is he going to kill me tonight or tomorrow?

                  What? He's not going to kill you at all idiot

That's good, I'm proud of you

                                  But we have to tell Pedri someday

After our wedding...

                                               Pablo. He's our best friend.

I know.
Okay we'll tell him
Just wait a little for the right moment to come
And stop thinking about it now.
You had a difficult day go to sleep
Goodnight ❤️

Pablos pov
The next morning I woke up a little early to stop by Bianca's college to check that she arrived safely. I spent the whole night thinking about it. I knew that her father managed to hire extra security for her but I still couldn't trust the media. It's just so dangerous and I can't risk it.
I parked outside the college and stayed there for a few hours. I saw Amina arriving late and that's when I was sure that Bianca had arrived safely. I wanted to stay a little longer till lunch but I had training.


Text me if you need anything❤️

       And with that, I left calm from the campus.

Biancas pov
I finished today. I was satisfied that my day went well. I was anxious all the time but eventually, I left the campus safe. College is a fun experience, hard but so rewarding.


Text me if you need anything ❤️

Just finished for today❤️
Ughh I'm so tired

So I won't be seeing you today?🥲

You can come over later...

I'm on my way!


I miss you amore❤️

Pablos pov
I knocked on the door and Leo answered it.

"Are you here for me or my daughter? "

"Bianca." I smiled

"get in kid." He said closing the door behind him. I got upstairs and knocked on her door. She didn't respond so I stepped in.

"Pablo." She said looking at me "I'll call you later AL, bye" She ended the video call with Alina.

"hey." I kissed her

"How was training?" She asked

"Good question. Normal I guess, how was college?"

"good question. Normal I guess."She mimicked me

"Pedri told me he would stop by the campus to say hi. He did?"

"no. He asked me if he could but I declined"

"why? "

"I don't feel comfortable hanging out with him while we're hiding something from him, Pablo. I feel guilty."

"believe me, I feel bad pretending that I don't have any feelings for you at all," I said

"We should tell him you know, soon."

"Why don't we go out with him tomorrow? Like a dinner or something."I proposed

"that's a good idea" She smiled

"that's it, I love when you're happy," I said and she leaned forward to kiss me.

Money- Pablo Gavi Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora