46.shes all yours

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Pablos pov
I and Pedri decided to talk to Leo eventually.
We were pretty scared but we needed to do something since things crossed the line.
After training Bianca came to greet us.

"Hello" she kissed Pedri and I closed my eyes for a quick moment not feeling good with them kissing. Yes, I'm jealous, how could I be not.
He has my girl and we're about to convince Leo to let them date, so yeah it's a big deal for me.

"Wanna hang out later?" She asked him

"Yeah sure, I have something to do but I'm free later" Pedri smiled at her

"Great, I'll see you soon" she left

"I hope Leo will leave us alone, she's happy" Pedri whispered to me

"Let's find him and talk then"

We did find him and we were both very nervous but we had to discuss his daughter's happiness in some way.

"Leo, can we talk?" I asked

"About what?" Leo turned to face me and Pedri

"Bianca," I said and he started paying more attention

"Did you tell Pedri?" He asked me and I nodded "Do you need any ideas about how you're going to break up with her?"

"I was hoping that I would not have to"Pedri said

"Leo Bianca seems happy, she's been through many tough situations. Why can we leave her happy?"I asked

"Because she's not going to be happy when the media will attack her again"

"She seems like she understood her mistake, You can't control media but we can protect her from them" I explain

"If she understood her mistake she wouldn't be with you, Pedri"

"We can protect her why do you have to ruin her relationships and friendships!" Pedri started getting mad

"You came here to give me the bad father talk? You're a young adult, all I want is for my daughter to be safe"

"No, we came here because we didn't want to tell everything to Bianca and turn her against you believing that you would understand eventually but all you care about is the media and her impression. You're not a bad father but by trying to be a good one you're taking away from her all she really loves and cares about" I said

"Fine" Leo finally spoke up

"Fine, what?" Pedri asked

"My daughter can be in a relationship. You're good kids, I trust you. I'm not hating anyone I swear but, Pedri, I need to warn you that you and she will face many difficulties with cheating rumors and betrayals. Pablo, I owe you an apology, You were nothing but kind and loyal to Bianca and I broke you up when she really needed you. She loves you both that's why I'm sure that whoever she is with is a good choice. Please don't tell her about my stupid plans she'll be so upset. You're free to do whatever you want" Leo said to us and we both nodded before leaving the room completely silent.
It was emotionally, and mentally difficult and the worst part was thinking about our next step, our future.

"Bro" Pedri turned to me "she's all yours"

"What? Since when do you care about the rumors and all?"

"I don't but I'm afraid that Bianca will. But it's not the reason I'm giving up. She loves you, more than she will love me in a thousand years. You have a connection I tried to think that I would have with her, I do, but as her best friend."

"You love her, don't step back that easily"

"I do, but you were the first who loved her. I can't compete with my best friend, you deserve each other"

"Thanks, bro, for being so understanding"

"Should I tell her?"

"She's not going to talk to me anyway" I laughed

"Ohh believe me she will" he winked at me


Hello hello,
Another update I didn't plan on posting any time soon.


I'm in a good mood because I finished writing 2 bonus chapters in a day so I'll have some free time🥲

I don't want to disappoint you with this thing going on between Pedri and Bianca so I brought Pablo back as I promised.

I'm not going to let you down, I promise.



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