62. Confusing

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Biancas pov
We've been trying for babies for almost two weeks. The fact that I'm not pregnant yet makes me confused because we're having sex almost every night, sometimes even twice a day.
I'm a little disappointed that's the truth because it's something that we both want and it's hard that god doesn't give us a baby.
On the other hand, I and Pablo are closer than ever. He asked me to move in with him and it's easier to see each other and even try to get pregnant more often.

"Still nothing?" he had just returned from training and he probably saw the empty box of pregnancy tests in the bathroom

"No" it hurts like hell

"Hey don't be sad over it, It's not easy for every couple and it's only been what? Two weeks?"
He was being supportive, but I knew he was disappointed as well

"Let's try again"

"Baby we already did today, I just returned from training, and I'm tired"
What, why is he refusing

"You don't want to have sex with me anymore?"

"What? I just said that we already tried today"

"So? We're trying sometimes twice a day, it's not something weird"

"No, but it's tiring"

"We had sex multiple times a day before"
Our record was 4.

"We had love before"

"And now we don't?"
What was wrong with him

"Bianca, you know what I mean, Don't try to make me the bad guy"

"I don't want to fight with you"
I really didn't

"You do, all I'm saying is that we need a break, it won't hurt is if we try more rarely"

"I'm just doing what you wanted"

"I wanted kids, no continuous sex"

"You're confusing, You should really think about what you want and I need to as well, I'm going for a walk"

"Whatever" he walked away annoyed
Why are we fighting over sex?
We both loved it and kids were our goal.
He is so confusing, How the hell did he change his mind in 2 weeks?

Pablos pov
I didn't change my mind, I just needed some time to catch my breath from all the sex.
We did have a lot of sex but it wasn't the usual type of sex we had, we did it for kids.
We wanted to start a family and it was harder than we both imagined.
All we were doing was having sex to get pregnant and after some tries it was so tiring for both of us.


"Hey bro"

"Hey, what's up?"

"I don't know what I'm doing, Pedri" I signed

"Is it about the kids thing?"

"Yeah, it's a difficult period for both, Bianca and Me"

"Bro, Bianca isn't the first woman who can't get pregnant in the first few weeks"

"Yeah but she's the first woman who insists so much on it"

"You were the one obsessed with the idea of having kids, bro"

"Yeah, I don't know anymore"

"What? Are you kidding?"

"I still want kids but I prefer not to lose Bianca, our relationship is my priority"

"Bro you're so confusing, Where is Bianca"

"She's out for a walk, to think"

"Okay, well you have time to think about what you want and talk with her about it"

"What if she breaks up with me?"

"She won't, just be sure first and then talk to her"

"Thanks, Pedri, I really needed a friend to talk to"

"That's what brothers are for, good luck"

Biancas pov
After our fight I went to Alina's house, I needed some time and a place to think.

"You don't look good"

"I'm not in my best mood" I signed

"Don't worry about the pregnancy thing, you're going to get pregnant eventually"

"I know I will, but I don't know if that's for good"

"What do you mean? Both you and Pablo want kids"

"I do, but I'm not sure for Pablo"


"He looks like he changed his mind, he's complaining for trying constantly but that's the only way to start a family"

"Pablo wants kids more than anything. Are you sure that he changed his mind because of sex?"

"I don't see another reason, he's just so confusing"

"You need to both relax, it's not good for either of you"

"It's just, i want to give him babies"

"You need to talk about it"

"We will but can I stay here for a while? I need some rest"

"Yes sure"

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