29. Event

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Biancas pov


Are you coming to the event tonight? ❤️

                   what event?

It's like a festival, many celebs will be there

Barca will attend it, your dad as well

he didn't tell me

It's fine, I'm inviting you as my plus 1❤

you know that I'm kinda a celebrity too right?

I would have known
if my girlfriend was a celeb

your girlfriend is one of the richest kids in the world

okay fair, so you coming?

is Charles Leclerc coming?

I don't know, probably

nothing. ill ask my dad and let you know❤

okay beautiful, see you.❤

"Dad Pablo told me about an event?"

" yeah, what about it?"

"Can I come?"

"It's a big festival, Bi, the media will be there as well as a lot of important people"

"I know but-"

"There are no buts, it's way too risky to attend it"

"ill be careful, Pablo will be there as well"

"you promise me you'll not do or say anything risky?" he asked thoughtfully

"yes Dad"

"Okay, you can come. I'll book you a team to get you ready later"

"thank you, thank you, thank you" I hugged him excitedly
After a while, a team of pro makeup artists and stylists came to our apartment to get me and my father ready for the event/festival.

"We brought some ideas, the final choice is yours" a woman handed me 2 outfits. The first one was a lovely yellow dress with boots, but my eye caught the simple black dress from the second outfit.

"That one" I pointed to the black dress with the pair of black high heels.

"I know that you would love it, I searched your style, and that dress would look stunning on you"

Pablos pov
We got ready and arrived at the event.
Bianca texted me that she would come too with her father so I didn't have to wait for her.
We got inside and the venue was full of famous people.
Me and Lewa went to greet some people and get something to drink waiting for our other teammates to arrive.

Biancas pov
We arrived at a beautiful venue.
Everything was so glamorous and elegant.
Our limo stopped in front of the carpet, in the area all the media were waiting for the guests.
As my dad and I got off the car the cameras immediately pointed at us.

"Leo, Bianca, just a statement please"
"Look on the camera, please?"
"Bianca, is this your first event?"
"Take a step back please" Our bodyguard pushed the paparazzi away and we got into the venue without any problems.

"Leo" Lewa walked towards us with Pablo behind him

"Robert, you look good" my dad smiled at his teammates

"How are you this evening Bianca?" lewa asked me

"Good thanks" I smiled and looked at Pablo who was looking me up and down

"You stay with Pablo all the time" my dad pointed at me "You! You told her about the event? your responsible for tonight" he pointed at Pablo and I laughed

"We are going to greet some people" Robert informed us

"What happens when we get called for the interview?" Pablo asked my dad and Robert

"You do your interview very carefully" My dad winked at us and left with Lewa

"Nice and then we will get yelled" I turned to Pablo who was still staring at me "What?"

"you look stunning, Bi" He smiled at me

"you look good too mr Gavira" I smirked

"shall we do the interview?"

"yes please and then we look for Charles Leclerc" I took his hand

"About that...he's not here" he stopped me from walking away

"How did you know?"

"I asked"

"you asked if Charles Leclerc is here?" I laughed

"Yeah, I'm a thoughtful boyfriend" he kissed my cheek

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