26. Happy ending

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Pablos pov
4 days have passed. 4! I haven't heard from Bianca.
I wanted to give her space and time but day by day it is getting more difficult.
Im missing her, a lot.
I got used to her company and understanding every time I was moody or upset.
She hasn't texted, called, or even came to the team's practices.
She probably forgot me already, moved on, and decided to hate me for the rest of her life.

Biancas pov
"Bianca come with me please, I can't stand being alone for 2 hours to watch Pedri practice" Alina begged me

"I'm not really in the mood"

"That's the only reason?" She smirked


"We both know that that's not true, you have to talk to each other someday, you can't ignore him forever"

"I know, I just think that he's mad at me"

"Girl stop guessing and let's go find out!"

"Okay! Okay!"

I got ready and we went to the camp nu to watch the boys practice.
I was scared but also excited that I got to see Pablo after a while and also support Pedro.
We arrived just when they were warming up.
Pablo was talking to Pedri and me and Alina approached them.

"Hello boys" Alina hugged Pedri

"Alina! Bianca! How nice of you to come to watch us" Pedri hugged me as well

"Hi" I smiled at Pablo

"Hi" Pablo looked at me

"So how are you?" I tried to get him to talk

"Ugh good, you?" He avoided my eyes

"Good" I looked down disappointed at his distancing behavior

"See you after?" Alina kissed Pedri and took my hand.

"He's so distant," I said to her upset

"He's maybe just surprised"

Pablos pov
I couldn't stop looking at her during the practice session.
I was very surprised but also her presence was very emotional to me.
I let her be distant while I was believing that I was actually giving her space, to think about us.
After the practice I went to the locker room angry at myself.
I heard someone yell my name but I knew that voice. She couldn't see me like this, I would say mean things because of my anger.

"Pablo for gods shake stop walking fast" she shouted

"Why?" I stopped walking

"Because I want to talk to you," she said calmly

"Really? Do you want to talk now? I gave you time, and space while I was overthinking the whole situation and you didn't even call"

"I was confused, okay?"

"You're confused? You're breaking up with me, then you cut me off from your life and now you want to talk, who's confused?"

"You cheated on me! Twice, what I was supposed to do?"

"I don't know, what are you doing here huh?"

"Don't know." She murmured

"I love you, I would do anything for you, anything I can give you is yours, I'm not sure what you want, what you need but everything that I own is yours, you want it? You got it. I was so lost these days that at that point I can't take it anymore, I just need you."I said and a second after her lips were on mine. She kissed me passionately, hungrily.
I needed her lips, I needed her.

"I love you" she whispered between the kisses

"I love you too baby" I smiled at her

Alinas pov
I followed Pedri to the locker room to wait for him to change.
In the hallway, he stopped and pushed me back.

"What the hell?"

"They're kissing" Pedri whispered

"Who are they?" I asked confused

"Bianca and Pablo"

"What?!?" I pushed him away to look at them "They are back together?"

"Who knows? But, I mean, don't act surprised. They belong together"

"I'm just happy that she forgave him, she was so upset"

"Pablo was very sad and scared as well"

"That seems like a happy ending "

"That seems like a happy ending "

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@biancamessi casa❤️

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